I just wrapped Wasteland3, and it seemed to adopt some of Larian’s issues - the movement works the same (one character under controlled and other are chained stepping and tripping into every hazard along the way and stepping into enemy detection circles), and turn based combat is instanced - so you can have battle and see enemies walking in real time at the edge of your screen. It doesn’t happen much in base game, but it is very noticeable in 2nd DLC.

Of course, entire team enters combat when engaging the enemy, as doing otherwise would be down right silly, but as Wasteland3 attempted 2 player coop play I suspect those two are connected? In case of Wasteland3 it’s more of visual jank - I didn’t stumble into any way to abuse system. Still, interesting and worrying to see another company emulate Larian’s problems - I can’t recal it being a thing ever before.