Originally Posted by Maximuuus
The ennemy only has healing potion so yes, it may not often be the best choice. In fact in my playthrough it is often a bad choice for them as they are usually healing both his ally and my character(s).

Yes, agreed. I find it’s extremely rare that either I or the enemy can get AoE benefit from healing potion throwing because of this.

Originally Posted by Maximuuus
But you, as the player can use it with all kind of potions so it definitely is a very powerfull choice.
Full party invisible, full party giant hill strength, full party resistance, full party haste. Cheaper than 4 level 3 spellslots!

Fair point. I forgot you could do this. Like you, I think it’s cheesy so don’t do it. As long as enemies don’t either, I can live with it, but ideally it would be fixed. Personally, I’d be fine if potion throwing only worked if the bottle were thrown directly at a creature and only affected that one individual (plus gave them some minor damage from the broken glass which I think it does already).

Tbh, I’d not weep if potion throwing were removed entirely, though as mentioned above I do like having it as an option for some situations.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"