Originally Posted by LostSoul
"they could turn off moving items between character if outside of melee range when in combat. Out of combat- magic pockets etc can stay."

Do you know if and how it would be possible to mod that ?
That's definitely something I'd like to try, but really out the range of my modding skills

Originally Posted by LostSoul
If larian removes healing cloud from potion, then have a check, if has potion in inventory= unlocks melee range spell to use potion on an ally. Or code a melee range healing spell...even easier to code.

Do you think it would it be possible to add a spell container "administrate" in which all potions are available IF you have some in your inventory ?
I tried something similar with special arrows but I never managed to add the "if you have it in your inventory"... So basically it gaves unlimited special ammunitions.

I guess adding a "unlock spell" in objects.txt won't work as everything about items seems to be managed in roottemplates.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 06/04/23 06:55 AM.

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