None of them needed to break a D&D setting by potion throwing to be great.
Neither do this one ...
Even if we put aside that "being great game" is completely different topic, that have hardly anything to do with throwing potions ... and even if we put aside that "being great game" is purely subjective assessment ...
That sentence is ... just false. :-/
Larian feel like they need to inject more and more game into a game, when less was already enough.
That is just their brand ... every studio makes things their way.
If you buy a game from EA, you expect to play only half story and rest being released regulary for next two years in form of payed DLCs ...
If you buy a game from Blizzard, you expect high quality cinematics (and microtransactions lately) ...
If you buy a game from BioWare, you expect lots of romanceable companions and strong story ...
If you buy a game from Bethesda, you expect open world full of bugs ... and bzillions of mods ...
If you buy a game from CD project Red, well, im not sure what would you expect lately, but few years ago everyone certainly expected top quality product in every way ...
If you buy a game from Paradox Interactive, you expect to receive none and will be waiting for years, and years, and years just hearing from them "we still working on it, but will not show or tell anything ... we keep your money tho" ...
And if you buy a game from Larian ... you can certainly expect that the game wont take itself too seriously, and there will be a lot of humor, even in grim or dark scenery ...
It works the same with movie Directors ... i for one hate Taika Waititi, bcs his constant urge to ridicule every emotional scene with some silly bullshit drives me crazy ... to me Thor: Ragnarok was the worse movie with Thor ... but in general, most people i know conciders it to be best. O_o
I think in this regards, Larian is yours Taika Waititi ...
But no matter my prefferences (unfortunately for me) he is actually popular, so he gets to projects where i dont really feel like his style fits it ... like Star Wars ... and no matter how much i will hate it, he will make them (as it seems) ... and it will be make the way he would want it ... bcs that is his brand, and he will keep it, bcs that is what people expect from him.