Larian keeps forgetting this is a D&D game not a Divinity game. D&D has an established set of rules that ground the RPG experience that player's like or at least accept as the rules of the setting they want to play in Larian needs to respect that with BG3. While Larian has to make make some changes to adapt a P&PRPG to a CRPG there are just too many rules being ignored and changed for no other reason than their version of "The Rule of Cool". While I can understand the limits of movement on a 3D map that gives us weird Jumping as a compromise I hate the Shove system which breaks at least two RAW for no reason I can figure except that someone thought it was "cool" to see characters and NPCs flying all over the damn place. Turning potions that should be consumed to be effective into AOE bombs is just another in this growing list of deviations from a beloved rules set that is the foundation of the whole D&D setting.
Larian, please stop these unnecessary and unwanted changes to this D&D game and save all the ideas you have that break those rules for Divinity 3.
I’m happy with their general approach. They’ve tried to incorporate as much of the situational shenanigans that DMs would probably allow players to try on tabletop as they can. IMO that’s as much in keeping with D&D as it is the Divinity games.
Some of the implementation is a bit little odd though. I didn’t know about this potion throwing business, which seems strange. Using an action to toss a potion to another character who catches it to use on their turn would seem more sensible.
Shoving people off a high spot is of course something you could do in tabletop D&D. I think it should cost an action instead of a bonus though. The other problem with shove is there’s so many bottomless holes to instakill you. They could maybe make being pushed into one a bit less final. Maybe take a bit of damage and remove from map with same animation as now, but one turn later, the character clambers back up? Like the classic movie fake out where a character seems to fall to their death but is really just hanging onto the edge by their fingertips. It would still be very useful to take someone out of the fight temporarily, but without overdoing it.