Originally Posted by JCDenton
I don't care for the weapon dipping system as an idea. Just from a mechanics perspective, the allure of a weapon that does extra fire damage is muted a bit when its so easy to just dip metal into a candle flame, and have it light up the entire sword somehow. I don't mind potion throwing as much, as I don't think it takes anything away from other healing options.

Ow but it does so much... You just don't expect it i guess. Fact is most other healing options are tied to charges or slots so they have that effect and inpact on other combat abilities. THe same is true for normal potion use as is the bonus action that's a huge balance change as well, Makes the game easier. I generally don't mind those changes if larain compensates for them and makes a really challenging hard mode. The fact is they do effect other healing options alot.

THe biggest problem is consumbales are limitless in quantity because vendors just restock be it on long rest or time.

Throwing potions needs only the extra attack to use not even an action and that makes extra attack classes good at healing for some reason heh...