Joined: Feb 2021
Ragnarok. Just let it go, please. We do not agree.
Joined: Oct 2020
"We" didnt agree on disagree ... you decided that. Yet, even tho you decided to "end" this conversation you keep replying that you allready ended it ... and by that you continue in it ... See its easy, just let it go. :P  Nah, im just messing with you.  Ever heard that "you hang up first" joke? :P
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 28/10/21 10:09 AM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Dec 2021
I also like the original design better, but that's just because it's cute. I haven't yet met this character in-game but from what I gather she's supposed to exude authority. Based on that, the new design is probably a lot more fitting. The old design looks just like Neera from BG2EE except as a Drow.
Joined: Dec 2021
Just noticed that they changed it again, now that I met her in-game, looking like this: I wonder; It seems like they listened to us!? that's kind of amazing!; not many companies do that; I can't help but think that our critique had a bearing on Minthara's new patch 6 appearance; maybe not?; It's just sort of amazing that every issue that we've raised in the forums about color contrast, hair, eyebrows, facial expressions, and armor has been fixed and Minthara looks better than ever; maybe I'm too easily impressed but I feel really satisfied now; all that flak we received for scrutinizing the patch 5 appearance was worth it. ![[Linked Image from images4.imagebam.com]](https://images4.imagebam.com/01/5b/7d/ME4J3MD_o.png) This is definitely the best of all three options IMO. Looks even more powerful, but the hair style won't trigger the snowflakes who can't stand short hair on women. xD
Joined: Mar 2013
if that's what she looks now then that will be really awesome. finally she doesn't need to look manly. definitely loving the new looks but it will be great if there's a video on it. i'm not playing the game till full release though.
Joined: Mar 2013
seems like i was deceived by the screenshot  . she does looks much better compared to earlier version. happy to see larian made some refinements to hear appearance. i still think her chin and mouth still need some refinements and she'll look perfect.
She has too much testosterone for me.
A woman's strength is in her ability to calm and diffuse.
Add a strong sword arm, bow arm, or magic touch...now she understands "aggressive negotiations".
Give her strength of character and the wisdom to be sharp in the moment...followed by the whole "calm and diffuse" thing, well now she is respectable and discerning.
...Lead off with ghetto mouth and an abrasive feminist vibe (with a hint of Mary Sue), then you can go back to Avernus where you came from.
..Just me, but she reeks of hard pass.
P.S. Feminist Vibe: Woman are better in every way, and I don't need you. Be a good boot licker and maybe I can tolerate you. There are many degrees of this of course, this being a caricature. Respect goes two ways.
Last edited by Van'tal; 05/04/22 02:21 AM.
Odd observation:
Tiefling parents are all "Norman Rockwell" and their offspring are thieving criminal masterminds.
Lae'zel still works, even with her full "feminist vibe", cuz she is just being culturally...her.
I still see her as a brat child that is out of her element and needs looking out for.
I don't need anything from her that she is not capable of giving.
More than one of her kind, attitude wise, will interfere with my calm.
Joined: Feb 2021
What does this have to do with Minthara?
Joined: Jun 2020
I suspect just furthering the stance that they don't care for her, though I might suggest... A woman's strength is in her ability to calm and diffuse. Defining how a person is or is not, or what a person should or should not be, based on their sex, is going to be starting you off on the wrong foot in general, regardless of the point you're otherwise attempting to make.
I suspect just furthering the stance that they don't care for her, though I might suggest... A woman's strength is in her ability to calm and diffuse. Defining how a person is or is not, or what a person should or should not be, based on their sex, is going to be starting you off on the wrong foot in general, regardless of the point you're otherwise attempting to make. Its all personal preference, but it would sure be nice to have a female in the game that was actually...um feminine. This is only valuable feedback only if others share this view, and I am guessing many do. Not many would dare to say what they would prefer because of political correctness. I don't care because I know myself, and that I respect and accept people for who they are, but that doesn't mean I will connect deeply with them. An epic story usually includes characters that people connect with, but I am really kinda over expecting that. Still, Larian might want to acknowledge that there are still strong woman in the world that embrace both their dreams and there femininity. I have yet to see an emotionally strong female portrayed here. One that doesn't curse and loose their composer under pressure. It is a noticeable void. Semantics and perspective are a problem in a conversation like this (such as the word femininity). I personally know and work with many woman that I attribute their nature as a positive aspect in their professionalism.
Joined: Jun 2020
As you say - it's about phrasing. I wasn't calling you down, just noting that you're more likely to get other people's hackles up saying what you did. In particular, there is a substantive and very real difference between saying "A woman's strength is in X" and "I would like there to be a female character whose strength is X". These are two very different statements, and one of them is an excellent and perfectly acceptable thing to say... while the other is, however unintended, an expression of sexism. It's good to be clear in what you mean, that's all.
For what it's worth, I agree - there aren't any likeable female characters in the game currently for me. I find them all quite unpleasant and would not choose any of them as companions. However, in my case, the same is true for all but one of the males, too. I don't really see myself making any kind of emotional connection with any of these options - with only one exception, and that one tentative.
And don't worry - you're very far from alone in that sentiment.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2017
I suspect just furthering the stance that they don't care for her, though I might suggest... A woman's strength is in her ability to calm and diffuse. Defining how a person is or is not, or what a person should or should not be, based on their sex, is going to be starting you off on the wrong foot in general, regardless of the point you're otherwise attempting to make. Its all personal preference, but it would sure be nice to have a female in the game that was actually...um feminine. This is only valuable feedback only if others share this view, and I am guessing many do. Not many would dare to say what they would prefer because of political correctness. I don't care because I know myself, and that I respect and accept people for who they are, but that doesn't mean I will connect deeply with them. An epic story usually includes characters that people connect with, but I am really kinda over expecting that. Still, Larian might want to acknowledge that there are still strong woman in the world that embrace both their dreams and there femininity. I have yet to see an emotionally strong female portrayed here. One that doesn't curse and loose their composer under pressure. It is a noticeable void. Semantics and perspective are a problem in a conversation like this (such as the word femininity). I personally know and work with many woman that I attribute their nature as a positive aspect in their professionalism. I'm generally a strict adversary of wokeness and gender semantics, however what you possibly do mean with "feminine" seems to me to be a female attitude that is defined by males in a male dominated (and outdated) culture and is imputed to women because it's in the favor of the males. So women are soft and understanding and socialising, but that easily is connected with them as weak, passive and unable to really act/lead. I'm a male and I will stay away from discussing what "feminine" should mean from a female standpoint, but I have some problems with your direction of thought. I think Minthara is good as a harsh and autoritative person, like Kagha (who I "like", in a certain way, much more than Halsin). In my case however I don't care that much how Minthara is because till now we always killed her on sight without having the pleasure to communicate, so her gutted body is the only resource to judge from. When I saw this huge thread about her, I first thought she must be an important NPC I still did not meet. Is it worth to talk to her if you play as a so-called "good" character?
Last edited by geala; 11/04/22 07:00 AM.
Joined: Jun 2020
Is it worth to talk to her if you play as a so-called "good" character? Generally speaking... not really, as the game stands. If you've killed the other tow leaders and the fortress is hostile when you go to her, it will simply be combat, but if you go to her before turning the fortress hostile, you will have the opportunity for a conversation. It's a very one-sided and condescending conversation, for the most part, and if you give any inkling that you aren't also completely down for slaughtering everyone in the druid grove in an orgy of blood, then she'll end up going hostile along with everyone else in the room, and potentially the rest of the fortress, depending on various other circumstances. You can mislead her about the location of the grove, but it doesn't do anything other than give you a chance to escape the conversation safely - you can run back and report her plans to the grove, but the result is simply that she's two minutes behind you regardless, and the assault begins. She doesn't offer you anything that seems like any kind of a life-line or hope for addressing your parasite, even if you're playing the 'evil' route - just zealotry.
Joined: Oct 2020
"Weak" is matter of definition ... And this old definitions you are talking about were horribly one-dimensional. :-/ As for if it is worth to talk with Minthara ... Depends on character ... i gues. If you play this "my friend, who is also Tiefling said that you were mean to him so i came crush your skull without asking single question" kind of character ... then probably no.  If you play this "Drow are evil, Goblins are evil.and the Absolute is evil ... therefore you are thrice as evil and you must be destroyed" kind of character ... then probably no.  But if you play this "im aware that people can lie so i would rather be sure before i kill someone" kind of character ... then yes! Certainly. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
old hand
old hand
Joined: Jul 2017
If I play as Cleric of Tyr, the answer would be obvious, wouldn't it? If I play as Barbarian (still not decided) I think I would be nevertheless a timid and weak person (and only the rage would allow me to fight) who is afraid of the goblin leaders and wanted to get rid of them with the least chance to see the own entrails on the ground ... so, good or bad aside, KILL all on sight from ambushes. My hardest (or second hardest) fight was when I was attacked by Gutt and her crowd after fighting the goblins at the entrance, at lvl3, I'd like to avoid such situations (as character, not as player). 
Last edited by geala; 13/04/22 02:22 PM.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Oct 2020
Is it worth to talk to her if you play as a so-called "good" character? Generally speaking... not really, as the game stands. If you've killed the other tow leaders and the fortress is hostile when you go to her, it will simply be combat, but if you go to her before turning the fortress hostile, you will have the opportunity for a conversation. It's a very one-sided and condescending conversation, for the most part, and if you give any inkling that you aren't also completely down for slaughtering everyone in the druid grove in an orgy of blood, then she'll end up going hostile along with everyone else in the room, and potentially the rest of the fortress, depending on various other circumstances. You can mislead her about the location of the grove, but it doesn't do anything other than give you a chance to escape the conversation safely - you can run back and report her plans to the grove, but the result is simply that she's two minutes behind you regardless, and the assault begins. She doesn't offer you anything that seems like any kind of a life-line or hope for addressing your parasite, even if you're playing the 'evil' route - just zealotry. I think the statistics of those 25% of players who chose an evil root in early access are not the statistics of players who want to play as an evil maniac or goblin lovers. These are statistics from Minthara fans, most of these players would make any other decision if Minthara said that it had to be done in order to befriend her. Incredible result for a character. That is, most of the players who chose the root of the Absolute would betray the Absolute if he decided to harm Minthara and she would need help. Only theory At the same time, passing on the side of Minthara will certainly not be kind and sweet, more moderately evil and selfish (with goblins feeding spiders, dark romantic, personal gain and all that), but this is not the path of absolute evil like Lolth or Absolute. If it was possible to befriend her while being moderately evil without the need for extremes at the very beginning of dating (only optional), that would be cool. This is a challenge to become a true friend and win the trust of a drow who is used to betrayal. What a moral pleasure there will be when this challenge is achieved! This is more interesting than the dark power of the Absolute, the service of Lolth, or the ideals of goodness and light. All this can be sacrificed for the challenge Minthara is the female version of Astarion in the party, with its own drow specifics (more evil and domineering) but for the same audience
Last edited by OneManArmy; 19/04/22 07:17 PM.
Thanks to Larian for Baldurs Gate 3 and the reaction to player feedback
Joined: Oct 2020
Is it worth to talk to her if you play as a so-called "good" character? Generally speaking... not really, as the game stands. If you've killed the other tow leaders and the fortress is hostile when you go to her, it will simply be combat, but if you go to her before turning the fortress hostile, you will have the opportunity for a conversation. It's a very one-sided and condescending conversation, for the most part, and if you give any inkling that you aren't also completely down for slaughtering everyone in the druid grove in an orgy of blood, then she'll end up going hostile along with everyone else in the room, and potentially the rest of the fortress, depending on various other circumstances. You can mislead her about the location of the grove, but it doesn't do anything other than give you a chance to escape the conversation safely - you can run back and report her plans to the grove, but the result is simply that she's two minutes behind you regardless, and the assault begins. She doesn't offer you anything that seems like any kind of a life-line or hope for addressing your parasite, even if you're playing the 'evil' route - just zealotry. How much do you know of Lolth worshiping Drow? It seems you don't know much as Minthara, before she got tangled up with the Absolute, was a Priestess of Lolth. Drow Priestesses of Lolth are very much of the attitude of controlling everyone below them. Minthara still has that aspect of her personality even after becoming a follower of the Absolute. So it is very much in her character to act in this way. It's either you do as she says or she kills you (or at least tries). The only way to change Minthara's mind on this aspect is to show her that you are more powerful than she.
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Volunteer Moderator
Joined: Feb 2022
Hi there, more than happy for these mega threads to be necroed if someone has a new point to make about the subject of the thread, but not to respond to a specific point someone made more than a year ago. Even if you don’t agree, the bird has flown!
"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"