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Originally Posted by Boblawblah
Midnight suns is a weird one. It's like Titanfall 2, gets crazy critical reception, but it's just not popular for one reason or another.
Did it? RPS was probably the only source that I follow who really loved it. Others were mixed.

I thought it was generally agreed that social sim part is between poor-meh, and combat is fine, if a bit shallow and lacking in variety. At least that was what most of reviewers I follow thought - and when I tried the game during the free weekend it was more or less my impression as well, thought thankfully, due to not particually caring about Marvel I wasn't offended by the writing. I will be picking it up once it drops to a price I will be more satisfied with.

I do think it is an awkward title. I am not sure how appealing is to mainstream Marvel fans, while it will probably be a bit too shallow for strategy fans. From what I played it seemed like it would be better suited as a mobile game - a nice think to pick up and click for a bit, but not something you want to sit and play for a longer period of time. If I had a Steamdeck, I would play it there.

Last edited by Wormerine; 06/05/23 11:57 PM.
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Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Boblawblah
Midnight suns is a weird one. It's like Titanfall 2, gets crazy critical reception, but it's just not popular for one reason or another.
Did it? RPS was probably the only source that I follow who really loved it. Others were mixed.
Metacritic has it at 83 from the critics for the pc version.

I enjoyed the story and characters. I wouldn't have liked it if it was all combat with minimal story or characters, so tastes vary on that!

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I liked it too. Didn’t love it. It definitely doesn’t have the replay value of XCOM 2, which I adore and replay endlessly and will probably continue to do so for years, but it was a neat take on turn based combat.

I’m sad that Solomon is stepping away from turn based games. Between what he was doing at Firaxis and Larian’s games, I was hoping we might be seeing more turn based tactics games in the AA / AAA space, but it might still be too niche.

I’d love to see a new, AAA Final Fantasy Tactics done on a similar budget. Crossing my fingers.

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I absolutely adored Midnight Sun's and I am definitely a Marvel fan. In fact, it even made me a fan of Magik when I wasn't one before. I love the social sim aspect and find that it works to a good rhythm in the game. It diverts me from the combat long enough that I'm missing the combat when I go back to it. I'm looking forward to playing through it again with all the DLC. Once I have that second playthrough I don't predict I'll play it again for a long while, but that's fine. A game doesn't need to be constantly replayable.

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Originally Posted by Warlocke
I’m sad that Solomon is stepping away from turn based games. Between what he was doing at Firaxis and Larian’s games, I was hoping we might be seeing more turn based tactics games in the AA / AAA space, but it might still be too niche.
Jake worked on a Larian game? Which one?

Eh, I am curious what he will do next. Firaxis way was to shake up leads anyway, so if XCOM3 comes along I think it would benefit from a fresh vision anyway.

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I know this is a movie but it's worth mentioning Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves , good special effects, good actors, story a bit meh laugh but anyone who loves BG will love this, definitely worth it.

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Originally Posted by crst
I know this is a movie but it's worth mentioning Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves , good special effects, good actors, story a bit meh laugh but anyone who loves BG will love this, definitely worth it.

There’s a thread discussing the film here.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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A game called Tape to Tape just hit early access on Steam. It’s a roguelite hockey game which is simple, arcade-y fun. It’s also a good example of how sports games could evolve. I’d love to see an ARPG whose gameplay loop is a sports match of some kind.

Pros: The gameplay loop has been thoroughly vetted; new players have a solid real life reference; sports competitions are rife with emergent story lines and memorable characters; all gameplay is systemic; the narrow scope of the world means there’s a low risk of immersion breakers.

Cons: Electronic Arts have given sports game a bad reputation.

Dodgeball Academia looks like a good example of what a sports/RPG crossover can be (never tried it, but might now). There’s also a passage in Final Fantasy X where the party plays Blitzball, a kind of freeform handball, and it’s the only part that stuck with me.

Should I ever learn Unity, that’s the game I’m making: street soccer with cutscenes and a nemesis system.

Larian, please make accessibility a priority for upcoming patches.
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Originally Posted by Wormerine
Originally Posted by Warlocke
I’m sad that Solomon is stepping away from turn based games. Between what he was doing at Firaxis and Larian’s games, I was hoping we might be seeing more turn based tactics games in the AA / AAA space, but it might still be too niche.
Jake worked on a Larian game? Which one?

Eh, I am curious what he will do next. Firaxis way was to shake up leads anyway, so if XCOM3 comes along I think it would benefit from a fresh vision anyway.

No, that sentence was saying Solomon’s games at Firaxis and the games being made by Larian were both indicative of the commercial potential of the genre. Sorry for the confusion.

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Originally Posted by Icelyn
Read this article about the combat balancing philosophy in Midnight Suns, and it is a design choice I like a lot! Everything is fun but not perfectly balanced. Seems like it might be BG3's philosophy as well!

Here's a bit from the article:
"That's why a game like Midnight's Suns - also XCOM - in their current iteration couldn't be like a 'play forever' [game] like Diablo, for example, which is such a finely tuned game," he continues. "All the stats are so finely tuned and they're brilliant at that. Destiny, too - brilliant! But they have less leeway in terms of their design. I don't care if you said somebody could matrix out all the [Midnight Suns] heroes and their DPS and how powerful they are. They could score the heroes, and I guarantee they'd be way all over the place."

For Solomon, he's absolutely certain "there's clearly a best hero, and there's clearly a worst hero" in Midnight Suns, but levelling them out to make them more Diablo or Destiny-like wasn't ever a concern for him. "That's not our focus," he says. "We focused on the moment to moment of every time you get something, you go, 'Yeah, that's awesome.' I don't care how it matches up on a very, very fine level. We view it from more of a holistic level, they all feel generally equal, as opposed to something that's really finely tuned, like League Of Legends design or Diablo design."

It worked, too. In my Midnight Suns review, I wrote that it wasn't just the best Marvel game I've played, but one of the best superhero games full stop, precisely because it does such a fantastic job of selling you on that superhero fantasy. It's not a total pushover, of course - the sheer number of enemies you have to face with each passing turn does a great job of always keeping the pressure level nice and high. But yes, I must admit that I also probably didn't actually care too much if Iron Man ended up wiping the floor with everyone thanks to his brilliant missile strike cards, or if Magic was able to set up delicious, ricocheting portal grabs so I could drop a massive crane on top of my perfectly placed goon pile at the end of it. It just felt good in the moment, which is what Solomon and his team were striving for.

"The meta isn't as important in a single player game," he concludes. "I think that's the thing. We sacrifice the meta sometimes to make sure that the player's first experience of the game really feels awesome."
There are a lot of questionable assumptions in this article.
And the leveling system was one of the most pointless and redundant things in Midnight Suns, anyway. It was just a case of numbers that just kept creeping up and up on both the hero and villain team. Pure Skinner's box design for the sake of it.
Which is indeed in some way "like Diablo", but personally I'm not really willing to count that as a plus.

Their previous game XCOM 2 (as usual when counting War of the Chosen, too, because it's basically a different game without it) did a far better job with a progression system that felt satisfying without having to rely on a constant-but-pointless increase in numbers over time.

And frankly, while there are parts of MS that I loved and I hope to see recycled in some form in their Firaxis' future output, WoTC was a far better game in general.

Originally Posted by Wormerine
I thought it was generally agreed that social sim part is between poor-meh, and combat is fine, if a bit shallow and lacking in variety.
That's precisely it.

- A milquetoast "abbey exploration" phase that was basically an action adventure with some decent but underused ideas.
- A pseudo-Persona-like "social sim" aspect that was incredibly tedious and shallow (then again I'll admit I've never been that much into it in Persona, either).
- Some fairly bad writing, that usually ranged between "juvenile" and "insipid" with only the occasional moment of charm (when it nailed the fanservice about a certain character... Which wasn't often).
- A solid core tactical combat system, with a lot of fun mechanics interacting with each other, but in the long run harmed to some extent by a general lack in enemies and maps variety.
- The aforementioned leveling system feeling fundamentally a pointless layer of numeric bloat to keep the treadmill going under the player's feet, plus some "pseudo-gatcha" mechanics tied to a series of different virtual currencies for "card unlocks" that reeked of "We were SO planning to monetize this more aggressively until the last minute" and left a bad taste in my mouth.

Last edited by Tuco; 08/05/23 04:18 AM.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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Wow classic hardcore - awesome fun - go hard or go home !
I’ve died about 15 times so far - so get used to re-rolling a character

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Originally Posted by Tarorn
Wow classic hardcore - awesome fun - go hard or go home !
I’ve died about 15 times so far - so get used to re-rolling a character

Is that a private server? or the official Blizzard server but you just re-roll if you die? I did Elysium and Light's Hope back in the day. We had somebody make it to level 58 and then die.

The rule was if you made it to 60 you get to keep your toon after that even if you die since endgame requires dying basically.

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Its the bloodsail buccaneers server (for north america) it is or used to be a RP server (blizzard WOW server not private) now its pretty much all hardcore - no auction house, no grouping (apart from dungeons & raids), no trading, no email, can only run a dungeon once, death = delete - there is an announcement coming 13th May which very much appears like Blizzard are going to put in legit hardcore servers.

Last edited by Tarorn; 10/05/23 06:31 AM.
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Originally Posted by Tarorn
Its the bloodsail buccaneers server (for north america) it is or used to be a RP server (blizzard WOW server not private) now its pretty much all hardcore - no auction house, no grouping (apart from dungeons & raids), no trading, no email, can only run a dungeon once, death = delete - there is an announcement coming 13th May which very much appears like Blizzard are going to put in legit hardcore servers.

Wait, blizzard is doing this? The company that brought us that watered-down version of Vanilla wow that they called classic WoW?

I like removing the auction house, that thing was a gold farmer magnet.

So if you die in a raid is it permadeath? No farming dungeons either, thats crazy. So do you get everything from the dungeon that can drop for each person or something?

I am really tempted.

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Sounds interesting ...
But what would you do after? O_o

I mean ... you exp to max level, go every dungeon and raid ... get all gear you possibly can in first run ...
It still takes some time, no doubt about it ... but after? O_o

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 11/05/23 06:57 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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The last Solasta update is releasing on May 29th.

Last edited by Saito Hikari; 12/05/23 05:58 PM.
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I noticed that Pathfinder WotR was on sale for ten quid on Steam so, despite the fact I gave up on Kingmaker half way through, decided to give it a shot after reading the positive reviews (and top tips) here. Let’s see how I get on …

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Tell us what you think. I liked Kingmaker, and thought that WotR was in general an improvement but I don't know if it would be enough for someone who didn't finish Kingmaker.

But most of all, tell us what class and path you want to take!

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Originally Posted by Sozz
Tell us what you think. I liked Kingmaker, and thought that WotR was in general an improvement but I don't know if it would be enough for someone who didn't finish Kingmaker.

But most of all, tell us what class and path you want to take!

There was loads I liked about Kingmaker earlier on, until I lost the will to continue with what I found repetitive combat with indistinguishable mobs. Hopefully I’ll get on better with WotR. I’ve taken advice here and turned down the difficulty, which so far makes combat rather nothing-y but I’m only in the tutorial area so I’ll see how I go and tweak settings as needed.

I admit I have very little idea of what I’m doing with Pathfinder builds, but also no interest in just copying a recommended build from the internet or prioritising min-maxing over roleplay. Which is probably a combination of ignorance, hubris and skewed priorities that will land me in trouble in due course!

But I’ve created my kitsune nine tailed heir sorceror/rogue who I’m planning to make an arcane trickster later. I like sneaky witch thieves. Let’s see if it works! I don’t know about paths yet, but I’ll let you know smile.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Originally Posted by The Red Queen
I admit I have very little idea of what I’m doing with Pathfinder builds, but also no interest in just copying a recommended build from the internet or prioritising min-maxing over roleplay. Which is probably a combination of ignorance, hubris and skewed priorities that will land me in trouble in due course!

But I’ve created my kitsune nine tailed heir sorceror/rogue who I’m planning to make an arcane trickster later. I like sneaky witch thieves. Let’s see if it works! I don’t know about paths yet, but I’ll let you know smile.

I think that's the right way to play - I could never have fun playing a character crafted by anyone else. If I can recommend a mod - get bubbles buff bot. Success in the game comes down to how well you pre buff and the mod automates the process and eliminates what otherwise becomes a repetitive exercise.

Owlcat would do well to learn from Larian in this instance - that mod and few others should be made into "gift bags" and given official support.

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