Originally Posted by avahZ Darkwood
I find it annoying that many(not all) of the peaceful solutions don't appear to grant XP. To max out your levels you have to murderhobo.

I never murderhobo, but as long as I fight when I’m attacked I’ve never struggled to reach level 5 well before the end of EA. Sure you maybe can level more quickly by killing everything, but as long as all that results in is hitting the level cap earlier in the game then personally I’d not find that a disincentive to finding peaceful solutions. In fact, I much prefer to spread my levelling over the course of the game and find it boring to max out too soon.

Not that I’d object to more XP for peaceful solutions, or a different approach to XP altogether that awards it for quests rather than kills, I just don’t feel that the current approach is enough to warp my roleplay in favour of violence, or to make me feel like I’m underlevelled if I don’t kill stuff.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"