Well, Solasta's second DLC is out, and it so far seems less exciting than Lost Valley was - very linear and seemingly corner-cutting (there are awkward top-down non-animated dialogues now instead of a close-up for every conversation). Fighting high-level enemies is kind of fun, though, it is meant for a level 10+ party that you carry over from the base campaign. Progression seems a little dull, though, but it could be my party composition more than anything (rogue-paladin-druid-sorcerer).

It certainly is the prettiest Solasta's ever been so far, with frozen landscapes and dwarven cities. The writing remains traditionally bad (an underwear joke in the first few minutes...), but going through it on a Cataclysm Ironman may be a nice holdover until BG3 finally comes out.

While on topic - are there any good player-made campaigns anyone can recommend? The editor got decently powerful (although the inability to create custom items, creatures and NPCs is baffling...), so I imagine there may have been a standout or two. It's no NWN1, but it has potential.

Last edited by Brainer; 27/05/23 10:56 AM.