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Since we allready nibbled speculations ...
I allways wondered why Light of Creation have that "unless it is a construct" condition ...

It may be Warforged confrimation ...
It may be Artificer confrimation ... is Artificer able to create and arm constructs? And actuallly, even if not ... maybe they would be here. laugh
Or it may just be Larian way to make sure Bernard dont stun himself ... in wich case i wonder why they didnt make it invisible tag, rather than condition that can never be fulfilled shoved right into our faces. O_o

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by The Red Queen
Originally Posted by kanisatha
Yup. And as an aside, I can't really count Jaheira and Minsc here either. If I want to play with them in my party I can always fire up BG1. For a new game I want fresh, new companions in my party and not some old retreads.

Out of interest, would you not use Minsc and Jaheira in BG2 for the same reason, or does the fact that it follows almost immediately on from BG1 excuse it? I’ll admit that I’m not yet a total convert to the idea of having them as opposed to new characters for my party in BG3, but the thing that partly reconciles me to it is the fact they’ve already been “retreads” in the second game and I can see the appeal of having at least a character or two who can be a companion for every series entry and perhaps help bring the series together by highlighting elements of continuity and bringing to life BG history. Plus there’s an opportunity for richness of interaction with these that wasn’t available in original games, and certainly not BG1 (Jaheira admittedly did get more companion content in BG2 than, I think, any other party member).

Personally, I’m willing to wait and see whether Minsc and Jaheira will fully justify the way they are included in the game as more than fan service. It could still go either way for me.
Well, the first two games are, as a matter of fact, continuous, especially if you're also playing the BG1 expansion. However, I tend to get tired of Minsc by the second game, especially as the second game has so many more options for companions. Jaheira is a bit more complex because she tends to be the only romance option in BG2 that even remotely interests me. And FYI, I am this same way with the DA and PoE games, and don't like using the companions from the first game into the later games (with the occasional exception, for example Eder in PoE 'cause he's the bro! :))

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Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
Speaking as someone who hasn't really played the original games before, I think having Jaheira and Minsc in the party is totally fine so long as they aren't the only firmly good characters. If they are then I'd personally feel like we were denied fresh, new characters because those two took up time and space on the roster. And I think this matters even for newcomer players because returning characters are likely going to have a distinct vibe to them that new ones won't. I think having them return in the second game is entirely appropriate since I believe it's a direct sequel so of course there'd be some continuity of companions. It's like in Dragon Age when Varric came back for the third game. And technically Anders coming back for the second game is a case of that as well. And look at Garrus and Tali from Mass Effect. For direct sequel games, that continuity helps keep a thread going. For BG3 I think the distance makes that less necessary. However I do think having the presence of past companions is something important. However I'd have preferred something like how Leliana in Inquisition was an advisor rather than a party member. I think that would have been a better use for Jaheira, and she could have had some sort of protege (not necessarily a child) that joins you instead.

On a related note, they've announced Minst and Jaheira are gonna be in the game as companions, they've even announced Minsc's voice actor, I wonder why they haven't shown up in the marketing more alongside the other companions? It's not even like monks, and the remaining phb races where Larian's kinda said they're confirmed but they're being reticent. Minsc was the centre of a trailer and they made a whole big deal about getting his voice actor. Arguably they made a bigger deal about Matt Mercer than they have about the villains' voice actors.
My personal theory is that Larian decided on including Jaheira and Minsc very late in their development process. They originally intended to have two or three completely new "good" companions in the game. But then they got sidetracked with all manner of other things they were excited about working on, and completely dropped the ball on creating those new "good" companions. So then, at a very late stage, they decided to (re)use Jaheira and Minsc as a way of quickly bringing in two "good" companions without having to do a lot of work on them. This is what I feel happened.

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I don't have a very high opinion of Larian but even I don't think your theory is very likely, just because they still have to come up with new plot stuff for them both, create in-game models and quests, etc. They also have to now worry about getting them somewhat right so as not to trigger fan outrage. Plus they got Matt Mercer for the game, which doesn't seem like an easy thing to do late in the game. I would argue that creating a new companion would actually be easier since they don't have to worry about any past threads to deal with, and no expectations. And honestly, I could come up with three ideas for a good-aligned companion right now, it's not that hard and they still have to do the work for plot stuff. Plus I feel like Larian's style would lend itself more to the opposite, they'd start out with the iconic characters and then change their mind and think they could do better.

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I still wonder whether Minsc and Jaheira will actually be full companions like our EA team, or recruitable only in the sense that they can join us for some particular missions they have their own interest in. Personally I’d love it if we could have our core party of four but occasionally supplement it with guest companions who have their own scores to settle for specific quests (like Halsin and/or Barcus for Moonrise Towers), who would join as additional party members somewhat like Halsin already can in the Shattered Sanctum or like Lae’zel even if there’s already a custom party of four in the prologue. If something like that were the case then showing more Minsc and Jaheira might indeed be a spoiler, but it’s even more rank speculation and I’m not really expecting Larian to go that route.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Originally Posted by kanisatha
My personal theory is that Larian decided on including Jaheira and Minsc very late in their development process. They originally intended to have two or three completely new "good" companions in the game. But then they got sidetracked with all manner of other things they were excited about working on, and completely dropped the ball on creating those new "good" companions. So then, at a very late stage, they decided to (re)use Jaheira and Minsc as a way of quickly bringing in two "good" companions without having to do a lot of work on them. This is what I feel happened.
From the dataminig at the start of EA it seems like Minsc was originally planned to be an origin character and then was later changed to a nonorigin companion (rather than not planned at all).

I would be happy if there were several other nonorigin companions in addition to Minsc and Jaheira!🐻

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Originally Posted by The Red Queen
I still wonder whether Minsc and Jaheira will actually be full companions like our EA team, or recruitable only in the sense that they can join us for some particular missions they have their own interest in. Personally I’d love it if we could have our core party of four but occasionally supplement it with guest companions who have their own scores to settle for specific quests (like Halsin and/or Barcus for Moonrise Towers), who would join as additional party members somewhat like Halsin already can in the Shattered Sanctum or like Lae’zel even if there’s already a custom party of four in the prologue. If something like that were the case then showing more Minsc and Jaheira might indeed be a spoiler, but it’s even more rank speculation and I’m not really expecting Larian to go that route.

I'd like that approach too, admittedly.
Solasta did something similar, with a core party of four but the two remaining slots constantly filled by temporary NPC guests.
I think it worked rather well, all things considered.

Party control in Baldur's Gate 3 is a complete mess that begs to be addressed. SAY NO TO THE TOILET CHAIN
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I must say, with the idea of having automatons patrol the streets, Larian has cleverly circumnavigated the problem of having level 30 city watchmen.

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I still think that a cool approach to the game would be to have a core group of companions that will go through the full game (6-7 would be a good number here) and then have three to five companions in each act who are restricted to that act, have maybe a single specific sidequest and then we can have them as companions for the act. They'll have some comments and interactions, but not as deep as the full companions, and it would be a good way to play around with other classes you may not have in the party among main companions.

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Originally Posted by The Red Queen
I still wonder whether Minsc and Jaheira will actually be full companions like our EA team, or recruitable only in the sense that they can join us for some particular missions they have their own interest in. Personally I’d love it if we could have our core party of four but occasionally supplement it with guest companions who have their own scores to settle for specific quests (like Halsin and/or Barcus for Moonrise Towers),
Like I've said before - Jaheira should be lvl20 - what business does she have in traipsing about with a Snots 'R' Us band of adventurers?

Originally Posted by Tuco
Solasta did something similar, with a core party of four but the two remaining slots constantly filled by temporary NPC guests.
LOL! Something very close to that was used in Might&Magic VI smile
And that was in an age where, to boot your computer, you had to chisel an "autoexec.bat" file onto a slate every morning ...

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I am all-in for "guest NPC's" who act independently alongside the PC. That concept was executed briefly in BG I with the great Narlen Darkwalk, who set up some heists (at night) and gave instructions to the PC party. That sequence of events was my favorite part of the whole game.

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1000+ NPCs in Baldur's gate city... Now I am saying to myself :
"To thrive in this city, how can I have all those skills in my group ?
Performance, Persuasion, Insight, Intimidation, Deception, History, Arcana, Religion, Investigation, Sleight of hand
Let's take a lore bard ! (hoping we can change at launch the 3 locked proficiencies at level 3)

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Man, it feels like this game has zero hype among the general gaming community. Such an unfortunate release window, the full launch is getting drowned by damn near everything releasing in the fall.

That upcoming PFH is going to have to be really stellar to even *remind* everyone that this game is actually fully launching in two and a half months.

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Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
Man, it feels like this game has zero hype among the general gaming community. Such an unfortunate release window, the full launch is getting drowned by damn near everything releasing in the fall.

What makes you say that? cRPGs are probably always going to be a bit niche compared to some other genres, but I thought the BG3 slot was the most impactful of the PC Gaming show and the host seemed more enthusiastic about it than most of the other games, plus BG3 has featured on quite a few 2023 most anticipated games lists so I think we can anticipate good and positive review coverage. The release window has undeniably become crowded, which probably isn’t beneficial, but I was still feeling quite optimistic that BG3 would find its audience, though it’s never going to be for everyone.

Of course, I’m biased (or at least nothing else in the release window interests me nearly as much) and most of what I’ve said is about media coverage rather than community hype anyway, so I’d be interested in your take.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Haha, yea im going to multiclass, with atleast 3bard for 6 extra skills, and 2 expertise... so ill go Wizard X / bard 3... it also give me speak with animal

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Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
Man, it feels like this game has zero hype among the general gaming community.
Yeah, the only news sources I have seen talking about Baldur's Gate3 are sources that would cover Baldur's Gate3 and niche RPGs extensively anyway.

For example SkillUp didn't even acknowledge BG3 existance during his summary of Summer Game Fest. Which honestly kinda surprised me, it's not like he is anti-RPG. He reviewed and loved Wasteland3 even to the point of mentioning it very recently when discussing Clockwork Revolution.

I wonder if Larian independent status is to blame - like lack of publisher's robust marketing department to keep in contact with media/influencers and secure coverage, organise events etc.

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Originally Posted by Boblawblah
Originally Posted by ALexws
for those who are eager to know all playable races and classes, you pray is getting the answer. from their latest Steam post.[Linked Image from]

OH BABY. don't get my hopes up!

[Linked Image from]

I'm pretty sure Aasimar are coming, we saw Aasimar in trailers and they aren't a "monster" race, they are player race as VGtM put it.

I also think there is a good chance for there be Warforged and Artificer as well given Gortash.

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Originally Posted by Icelyn
Originally Posted by kanisatha
My personal theory is that Larian decided on including Jaheira and Minsc very late in their development process. They originally intended to have two or three completely new "good" companions in the game. But then they got sidetracked with all manner of other things they were excited about working on, and completely dropped the ball on creating those new "good" companions. So then, at a very late stage, they decided to (re)use Jaheira and Minsc as a way of quickly bringing in two "good" companions without having to do a lot of work on them. This is what I feel happened.
From the dataminig at the start of EA it seems like Minsc was originally planned to be an origin character and then was later changed to a nonorigin companion (rather than not planned at all).
Thanks. Good to know.

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Aasimar are a non-zero possibility but I think it was settled that no, the winged character in that one trailer wasn't an aasimar and was probably an angel. As for warforged, I think it's super unlikely they'll be playable since apparently they're from a different setting. Plus I feel like that would just require way too much effort to fit into the game. If we're not getting goblins, we're not getting warforged. I don't even think Gortash's presence so much as hints at warforged by association.

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Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
we saw Aasimar in trailers
I thought that was some angelic being from Selune. O_o
I believe the name used sounded something like Diva? But not sure...

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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