Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
the Baldur's Gate ACT is 5 times bigger then planned
I hate to be sceptical here ... but as far as i know, Swen only admited that they invested much more time and resources into building a city.
Im not aware that anything else was mentioned.

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Aasimar we saw in a trailer.
Again ... sceptic in my head is right now screaming that it was not actually an Aasimar ...
Even chubblot Admited on Twitter that he was most likely wrong about this.

And even if, wich alone is quite big if ... that can still be just NPC.

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
I think the bigger body choice is a sign Firbolgs and Goliaths could be in
This actually is possible ... not really sure how probable tho.
Since bigger body can only be created for that purpose, so followers like Minsc, who was officialy anounced, can wear different armour, than his default one. laugh

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Tritons and Genasi are easy to do and could be useful if we can visit inside the river.
I agree on Genasi ... humans with weird skin collor can be made even now.
Question is if Larian would be satisfied with such lazy design ... i have subtle feeling that they would not.

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
A Goblin briefly joins the party as a follower so there is presidence for Goblins being in the party.
Whoa, thats quite far fetched theory ...
Problem with Goblins is that their models are right now "made with armor" ... they dont have separate armor models and body model ... and since having a follower that can never change would feel really bad, i kinda doubt Larian would stain their name like this.

So, Goblins seems quite unlikely to me ...
Unless Larian changed lots of things without teling us.

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Githzerai makes sense for plot reasons and to counter balance Githyanki.
They do?

I mean ... i know many people thinks that Githzerai are basicaly given, since they dont require any additional models ...
But im affraid reactivity would be the real issue here.

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
People love cats, so Tabaxi are a possiblity, plus you want to get the furry market, its just good business sense.

Really outside chance of Fairies, Satyrs, Haregon, Shifters, Owlin, Minotaurs, Loxo/Loxodons, etc...
As much as it pains me ... i would presume Tabaxi belong to the same group.
They would need to create everything from scratch ...
Also, signature move of Tabaxi is their climbing ... and since we havent seen even a single sign from Larian that they mean to include any kind of climbing to their game ... i have strong doubt that we get cat folk. :-/

Same goes for Lizardfolk ...
Sadly ... very sadly ...

And what is worse, possibly even for Aarakocra. frown

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown