Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Swen straight up said Baldur's Gate is 5 times bigger then originally intended, that's his own figure, not mine
Litteral quote: "We spend i think three times, four times as much effort on the city than we originally planed."
Source. (Timesnap included.)

See the differences?
City ... not ACT ...
Effort ... not size ...
3-4 ... not 5 ...

Let me give you an example ...
I presume i will work 3 hours on making a statue ... but i takes me 12 hours instead ... its more detailed, i made much more effort to make it pretty, than i expected ... it took me 4 times as much ...
But its still just that single statue. wink
I didnt make 4 statues instead. wink

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Moonrise Towers and beyond never made it to EA, and that's a huge part of ACT 1.
Wich is also pure speculation ...
Since nothing about it was ever confirmed.

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
chubblot datamined video were its straight said up to be an Aasimar.
No ...
Chubblot datamined a few second long clip of some winged being ... and a voiceline that mentions Aasimar ...
He thought they belong together and that winged being is said Aasimar ...

A little later (quite litteraly few hours) he admited that he was most likely wrong in this tweet.

Also ... if we concider another voicelines, he datamined some time ago, in previous patch then...
that winged being is actually Nightsong, in its pure Deva of Selune form, before Ketheric Thorm used his Shar magic to transform her into Nightsong
Both should be taken scepticaly tho, bcs as Chubblot himself repeately reminded people, problem with datamining is that you are basicaly checking work in progress ... and things change as Larian work on them.
Few examples of such would be:
- Minthara was originaly a Cleric ...
- Karlach had originaly a Paladin tag ...
- And acording to some REALLY OLD (and when i say really old, i mean it was most likely some pre-EA build remains) datamining, Helia was originally supposed to be first druid of Emerald Grove ... where she was later replaced by Halsin, and her class changed to Bard ... smile

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
We have a picture of a woman that looks either like a Triton or Water Genasi.
I would love to see it, since i must have missed it ...

I think i know what you mean!

You are talking about that scene that takes place on 2:23 right?
Those few perfectly human looking womans in quite nice blue dresses with tridents right?

I mean, yeah one of them had a little weird scaly looking thigh ...
But that may aswell be just extend of Dragon Blood Sorcerer (wich was stanting there aswell, if you look at second one from right, she have scales on her face).

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
Githzerai makes sense because they hate both hate Mindflayers and Githyanki, and so there is that conflicit to explore.
Well, any race makes sence, since they simply exist in this world. laugh
Wich is basicaly all and only reason Larian need to include them ...

Question is not if they have anything to do in this story ... but if they are necessary for it. wink


But dont get me wrong ...
I also hope for as exotic races as possible ...
I want to play my Tabaxi Rogue, Tortle Monk, Lizardfolk Ranger, Aarakocra Sorcerer, or Aasimar Paladin ... or at least some of them ... Lizardfolk Ranger, if i would need to pick just one.

Im just trying to not build on false hope ... the worse that will happen to me is that i will be pleasantly surprised. smile
And presuming something is confirmed just bcs Chubblot thought it, or i have seen picture of something that may teoreticaly be it ... that is false hope.

Right now, i really, really, REALLY hope that Larian will clear matters of classes, races, and prefferably also companions in next PFH (happening 7/7 ... meaning in just 3 weeks if i count corectly) ... but even that we dont really know, if you get what i mean. wink

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 15/06/23 05:00 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown