Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
We have a picture of a woman that looks either like a Triton or Water Genasi.
I would love to see it, since i must have missed it ...

I think i know what you mean!

You are talking about that scene that takes place on 2:23 right?
Those few perfectly human looking womans in quite nice blue dresses with tridents right?

I'm definitely in the camp that prefers to keep expectations low (with a secret hope of being pleasantly surprised) but I do wonder about that scaly lady with her back to us at 2:23 in the latest trailer. Like you I also thought draconic bloodline sorceror to begin with, but given evidence this scene is in the temple of Umberlee and all the shimmery fishlike scales around, perhaps she is a water genasi or some other water-related race (triton, sea elf?). She also has a fancy hairdo, so unless that's an indication that we'll get more hairstyles in the full release (which I'm desperately hoping, but haven't spotted any other evidence for as yet) then it looks as though she might be a major figure, perhaps a high priestess of Umberlee, with a thematically appropriate race for a cleric of a sea goddess. Though even if so it wouldn't mean that's a playable race.

All total speculation of course. Though I wouldn't be that surprised if at least a few more non-PHB races appear as NPCs but we can't play as them.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"