In answer to the general question of what races and classes I think might be announced ... presumably at the PfH, though I think even that's a guess because as far as I'm aware Larian only said news on races and classes was "coming soon" and that there will be a PfH on 7 July, and haven't specifically said that the races and classes will be announced there. Feasibly they could be published in a separate update, but I do agree PfH seems most likely ...

... anyway. I wouldn't take the old Steam FAQ confirmation of all PHB races and classes as definitive by itself, but I am expecting Dragonborn, half-orc and monk as I feel that Larian might have been managing expectations downwards earlier if we weren't getting them, so the negative stuff could be got out of the way and we could ride the last couple of months to release hopefully on a high!

Racewise, I think duergar and variant human are decent bets. I wouldn't be totally surprised by aasimar given they're a mirror for tieflings, though so far it looks as though tieflings might be more story-relevant, and because the model isn't too radically different from what we have already (plus we know the game can do wings). I'd be utterly stunned if we got playable races like Tabaxi or Tortles that look less like other models. The more human-standard looking races (like Goliaths and Genasi) I'm expecting less than Aasimar not because of the technical difficulty in implementing them but more because of the work involved in giving them good content - and frankly I'd prefer Larian spend their time on creating good content for PHB races than implement more races in a shallow fashion. But I reckon it's reasonably likely we may come across at least a few of the other Faerun-appropriate races, even perhaps including some of the more out there ones, as NPCs.

Classwise in addition to monks, I am expecting most if not all of the other PHB subclasses. Not being a 5e aficionado, I don't know enough to speculate much further, but I agree with folk who think the artificer is looking more likely given the recent trailers (though it still may not be playable even if Gortash is one), and I'd guess we might get one or two non-PHB cleric domains (perhaps Death and Twilight given those are looking relevant to the story, though we're still short War, Knowledge, Tempest and Nature from the PHB too). I also have a pet theory that Wyll might have been conceived of as a multiclass warlock/swashbuckler so we might get that rogue subclass as well as the probable PHB assassin. And I think I've seen more folk clamour for Hexblade than any other class so Larian may have listened and we'll get that in addition (hopefully again) to the PHB Archfey. Aberrant Mind sorceror seems a really good thematic fit, but perhaps too much to implement. On the other side, I'd be surprised by any more paladin oaths than (hopefully) vengeance given the work that would need to go into the oathkeeping mechanic to make it satisfying.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"