Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
We allready seen few Half-Orcs in several promotion materials ... snip

Yes, I've spotted the half-orcs in the Ketheric and more recent trailers, too, and seen the speculation about the possible dead dragonborn. It would still be possible they were in game but weren't playable races, though I don't expect that.

Regarding appearance, I'll admit I don't have strong opinions on Dragonborn appearance as they'll be a pretty new race to me if they appear, though I have been trying to look at dwarves and halflings in the trailers to see if some of the model issues that have been pointed out in the past might have been addressed. It doesn't look all that promising though it's hard to see for sure on the body proportion issues and I did think Ketheric's beard might have looked a bit better in the Gortash trailer ... though that may just be wishful thinking or better resolution than my PC can manage. I've also been trying to see if there are any new faces as well as hairstyles, but again haven't spotted anything definitive beyond the hair of the priestess{?} mentioned earlier. Though unlike some my main gripe with elves is the female half elves, especially since we got a new female elf face I quite like in one of the patches and was okay with enough of the male elf and half-elf faces anyway. If anyone has spotted anything, or is aware of a trailer deep dive that has looked out for this stuff then that would be great to hear about! (I've only watched the WolfheartFPS vid and he doesn't talk about character models other what we've already mentioned here.)

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by The Red Queen
(plus we know the game can do wings)
I thought Aasimar dont have wings. O_o

Really? I've probably just leapt to the conclusion they could like tieflings can have tails or horns from images of aasimar with wings. Plus the fact I know aasimar can grow wings as a feat in Pathfinder. But as I said I'm pretty ignorant of 5e so more than happy to be corrected on that point!

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"