Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
I feel like I'm going insane, I remember 5 times, not 3 or 4, but those are still big enough time multiplers that my point still stands

Just to save Ragnarok having to say it again, and I think we'll just need to leave it if we still haven't got on the same page after this, saying they've spent 3 or 4 times as much effort on Baldur's Gate is NOT the same as saying that it's 3 or 4 times as big, so unless you have a different source then your point doesn't unfortunately stand, much as I might wish it were true. My guess is that you're right that there is substantially more content of various kinds in the city than was initially planned, but where exactly the balance lies between more versus better versus more difficult to execute than anticipated is anyone's guess at this stage I think.

And in addition, nothing datamined can be taken as confirmation of anything and doesn't by itself mean Larian had any concrete intention or even desire to include any particular races or classes. For all we know, they may simply have had no idea of what they were going to include at the stage that was written or coded so just bunged in some stuff just in case, or thought it might be worth futureproofing in the event of future scope creep or DLC. And the fact that early access has gone on for years doesn't guarantee they've had more time to do optional stuff, either, as it may simply have taken longer than they initially thought to do the core stuff to the level of quality they wanted - or came to want - to achieve. We just can't be sure.

I'm kind of feeling the need to fact check the claims in this thread (and appreciate that Ragnarok has done a lot of the work for me) as I'd prefer these forums not to be misleading, but I guess it probably does fall outwith my remit as moderator so I'll not do so any further.

But while as a fan I love to see enthusiasm and optimism about the game here, as a moderator I would encourage all forum members to be aware of when they're making a leap from things they want to be true, or even things that they think there might be at least some reason to be hopeful for, to things that are likely or confirmed to be the case. It's not really fair to get hopes up for people who aren't aware of more of the context by speculating without making clear that's what we're doing or saying things are more likely than we actually have genuine reason to believe they are.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"