Originally Posted by The Red Queen
Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
I guess we will see July 7th.

Indeed. Or even possibly before, given as far as I know Larian only said the race and class info was "coming soon" not that it was coming at the PfH, though I do think PfH is most likely.

But the point is then we will know, and anything we're told then will indeed be confirmed. Before then, we can still think things are possible or even likely, and can even debate how possible or likely we think they are, but I just want us to be careful about getting carried away to the extent we make claims that could mislead other forum members that things are certain or nearly so when it's perfectly possible given the info we have that they're not true.

Hopefully that was already clear, but thought it bore repeating once more without all the other stuff from my previous post just to be sure.

Its not my intent to misinform, merely debate what I believe is the most likely scenerio with the imcomplete information I have, its all just fun debate and speculation.