Originally Posted by The Red Queen
COMMENT ADDED 18 June 2023: Start of second thread merged to forum basis of new megathread

I returned to BG3 recently after a cca 2-year hiatus to see the state of the game before release. I rolled a run-of-the-mill wood elf Ranger archer and began playing through the tutorial area. As I reach the first combat encounter I tell myself I might as well try sneaking ahead since I'm a ranger. I crouch down and approach the three imps. I kill the first one with a single shot and to my surprise the others do not react to it at all. I shoot the second one, roll too low for a kill and instinctively press C. I'm not really expecting the game to let me hide since initiative already started, but to my bafflement, it does. The imps don't even attempt to look for me and only stand frozen. I finish the second one off and 'hide' for free again. I watch the third imp stand idly by on its turn before I kill it too.

I was determined to repeat this strategy, if only to see how much the game would let me get away with. I wish I hadn't.

Using this very same shoot-crouch-shoot loop I defeated the other imps on the ship, the intellect devourers at the crash site and every single bandit at the abandoned temple. The intellect devourers didn't even roll initiative as I mowed them down one by one. At one point I was standing literally 1m away from a bandit (but outside any cone of vision), shooting them in the back and crouching repeatedly while they just stood there helplessly. At no point in any of this was any actual stealth check rolled. All I was left thinking was, is this a joke? Can I seriously continue to solo the game this way with no repercussions? Why even interact with the combat system at all?

The implementation of DnD5e stealth mechanics in this game is a broken atrocity that puts Skyrim stealth archery to shame. Within only 2 hours of gameplay it managed to dispel all my enthusiasm to play the game and instead left me disillusioned and wondering how many other equally broken systems and poorly implemented 5e mechanics I'm about to encounter if I pour any more time into it. This level of brokenness is unacceptable for a released game and I really hope this has already been addressed internally and what we're seeing in EA now is miles away from what we'll see on release. But to end on a more positive note I'd like to offer some actionable feedback.
  • Hiding in 5e is an action. No one should be doing it for free, not to mention it invalidates Rogue's cunning action. Even DOS2 Lone Wolf Chameleon Cloak abuse was at least limited by a cooldown.
  • Enemies should actively seek the player, especially when that player is the only target left.
  • Sneaking should NOT be an automatic success when keeping outside cones of vision.
  • Finding a player hiding in plain sight without even having moved behind cover should be trivial for enemies.
  • Any hostile action against a valid target should always start initiative and reveal your position. Surprise rounds are advantage enough.

Last edited by The Red Queen; 18/06/23 03:17 PM. Reason: Merged with Stealth mega thread and retitled