Heya Llengrath, thanks for voicing your thoughts ^.^

Unfortunately, this is an issue, pretty much as you report (stealth is completely broken and abusable with zero repercussions or limitations, and functionally prevents you from *using* stealth legitimately in the game at all because of how simply broken and cheaty it is), and has been so from the beginning - and despite many, many threads about it, Larian have shown no indication of any intention to change this, even though they've updated and changed many other things that were recognised issues.

Normally, I'd recommend you to submit your feedback to Larian directly (Here for general feedback and Here for bug reporting), and I do want to say that it's worth making sure they hear as man individual voices who reached the same conclusion on the matter as possible... and I'd still recommend you do this if you can spare the time and effort! Sadly, though, the reality we're facing is that the game releases in a month or two, and it's looking increasingly likely that the game will hard launch with stealth in its current ridiculous implementation.