Originally Posted by The Red Queen
I don't know. I think not holding your breath is a good idea, but I'm still determined to look on the bright side until forced by the reality of the actual game to come down to earth with a bump grin. I can fairly easily imagine Larian reading the feedback about eg, hide and shove as bonus actions and shove distance and taking it on board but not being wholly convinced that their original approach wouldn't work better for the longer term once we had the rest of the game and abilities. If they changed them once then decided they were right the first time, it would be really hard to change them back again, or at least it would cause no end of ruckus. Whereas by leaving as is, they've kept their options open to try out different approaches in house and make their decision about exactly how it will work later in the development process.

I truly hope you're right. I saw someone express the opinion that this lack of balance is intentional on Larian's part because it lets streamers attract a wider audience with cheap laughs. I don't know if that's true, but it doesn't sound implausible given how Divinity felt to play. If so, I think they're building the systems of their game on a rather fragile foundation and I'd hate to see BG3 become my favourite genre's court jester.