Originally Posted by Llengrath
I truly hope you're right. I saw someone express the opinion that this lack of balance is intentional on Larian's part because it lets streamers attract a wider audience with cheap laughs. I don't know if that's true, but it doesn't sound implausible given how Divinity felt to play. If so, I think they're building the systems of their game on a rather fragile foundation and I'd hate to see BG3 become my favourite genre's court jester.

I think it's undeniably true that Larian have a preference for what they see as fun and streamworthy gameplay and moments. I also think this is entirely compatible with mechanics that you can find clever (or dumb) ways to exploit for giggles but which don't impinge on the play of folk who prefer to avoid cheese or cartoonishness (must be a real word for that!). In fact, I think it's funnier when something that works well when played perfectly straight can, when combined with other features or in certain situations, suddenly become ridiculous or OP in some way, though of course humour and fun are subjective. But while, from what I hear, the D:OS games didn't strike the balance I'd prefer (though I played both at least a bit, I honestly don't remember them well enough to judge for myself), BG3 has a wider audience including folk who love D&D but not D:OS and it feels possible, if far from certain, that Larian will modify their approach or reset their priorities at least somewhat as a result of this and the feedback they've got.

Of course, I'm trying to convince myself as much as anyone else here, so I'll stop banging on now grin.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"