This has reminded me that I've been intending to create a megathread for stealth, as I while I know that it's been discussed lots of times before I always struggle to find and refer people back to previous chat when it's raised again. Which was part of the problem with creating the megathread too, as lots of discussion about stealth that I can find is dotted into threads on wider topics about dodgy mechanics and so difficult to separate out.

However, I thought it better to at least make a start so have moved another fairly recent thread on this topic to the megathreads section and am just about to merge this one with it. If you're aware of any other posts and threads that it would be useful to add to it then please PM me.

I'm not necessarily looking for every mention of stealth to be all in one place (that would get unreadably repetitive) but any good discussions of suggestions about it that might be useful for posterity.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"