Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
I dunno ...
Lately i find out that some things are better keep unanswered. smile

As here, when people ask "why would illithid infect a Warforged" ?
I dont know! Im not an illithid, he probably just want to. laugh
Would it be too bad to just leave it open?

My preference, and it is just my preference, is for some explanation but generally not too much. That is, just enough explanation to make me feel that it's plausible something is present or has happened without enough detail to make it obvious how implausible that explanation is grin. For me, Larian got it right with, for example, the teleport circles. Saying they're Netherese (ie ancient, weird magic that has an established place in the lore) is enough of an explanation to make me feel that they're an acceptable in-universe mechanism, but if they tried to tell me more about them then chances are my credulity would rebel. I can't think of any Larian-specific examples of that off hand, but for instance the hokum about midi-chlorians in the second (first?) Star Wars trilogy.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"