Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Why not hide first and then enter turn based mode?
I admit my reason is subjective: I don't enjoy exploring while stealthing. There are a few spots in EA where Tav has an opportunity to spot an ambush just before it happens; if the party is moving forward as I realize there are enemies about, my reflex is to hit spacebar in order to stop moving. (It's the only way I know of to get the party to stand completely still under BG3's movement scheme...) Once in turn based mode, I start thinking about how to ambush the ambushers, which is when I hit group hide.

That's the rationale I had in mind, though in that case ending the turn poses no threat because the ambushers aren't looking for you, they're just waiting.

Originally Posted by mrfuji3
If you're already in stealth, then you should still have actions available to you, no? Or does BG3 still consider you to have used your action if you enter TB mode within 6 seconds of clicking "hide"?
I don't know, but am curious to find out! Can anyone test this?

Larian, please make accessibility a priority for upcoming patches.