Dragonborn...I guess I don't *hate* them. They seemed like something more at home in Eberron, and they feel more than a little like Draconian knock-offs. Their introduction was poor-the whole 'abeir-toril was two worlds all along and now we are mashing them back together' WoTC pulled from their nether-regions will never be *good* and Dragonborn will always be tainted by that to a degree IMO. Of course, WoTC were a bit on-the-nose with how they were designed to be the 'paladin' race and that unfortunate pigeonholing didn't do them any favors when justifying their sudden widespread existence all over faerun.

I think I prefer the 3.5 dragonborn, since they came about on a case-by-case basis via a specific rare ritual done be devotees of Bahamut IIRC. Rare enough not to noticeably change the setting, with their own little weird backstory. 4e-style dragonborn waaaay overpopulate the realms for how long they have been here, and it's weird how they have almost 'pushed out' realmsian intelligent reptillians like Lizardfolk, Saurials, Asabi etc. I would have rather seen them pushed as reptillian options for players and to see them get more fleshed out as far as their societies.

Last edited by Leucrotta; 19/06/23 01:47 PM.