@Leucrotta Agreed. While a good DM should find a way to let players create any sort of character they want to play, the introduction of new species should be done in a way that fits with the setting. The transformation ritual you mention or some portal to Ebberon that opens but not "because two worlds were smashed together every other shop keeper is now a dragonborn"

I wish WotC would have borrowed from Dr. Who or Star Trek to undo the 4e damage. And they already crafted the tools they needed! They had already written a time travel plot in the form of the dawn cataclysm story. Mystra and Amaunator battle to decide who controls the portfolio of Time, that battle creates a fracture in time, some adventurers heal that fracture and suddenly time is reset. The spellplague, the smashing of Abir-Toril etc becomes an alternate reality where the 4e rules still apply and 5e starts a few years after the Bhaalspawn crisis.