I'm.... OK with it I guess, but I feel like they should be kept a bit 'special' through rarity and they absolutely shouldn't be used interchangeably with humans. Long-lived races like elves/dwares etc in particular should already have a different perspective on life, and while that tends to shine through in the novels more, less so in video games. You could make Asterion a human and it would change absolutely nothing about his character.

But in regard to more exotic playable species- remember the Kuo-Toa from this game, or the Sahuagin from the second game? I like to see animalfolk more like that-at least a bit alien in mindset. The 'Lizard in a ballgown' sort of novelty you get with overexposure by making them too commonplace and too human in mindset/culture wears off quickly and choice of race just becomes a fashion choice for the player.