Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by ladydub
I would love if they kept a “classic” selection of races and classes for FR, no cat people and extra dimensional people pls.
Concidering Tieflings ... this seems like contradicting yourself.
Also ... why? If you dont like cat people, just dont pick them.

Tieflings are native to FR. Cat ppl and metal ppl are not. I meant that I'd like if they kept a classic / canon Forgotten Realms selection.

For sure I'd never pick a cat as a main character, but if they were in the game - they would be present as NPCs, companions, enemies etc. Which totally ruins immersion.

Originally Posted by Buba68
I partly agree with you. I'd add Dragonborn into the undesirables, though, as these are not "classic" either.

Agreed. This whole 4E Abeir Toril and teleportation of a whole race to Faerun is... iffy. They are outsiders in FR, but WotC went to such length to make it canon, so I guess we must accept that Dragonborn are now officially a Forgotten Realms race.