Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by ladydub
they would be present as NPCs, companions, enemies etc. Which totally ruins immersion.
I ... m affraid i dont follow, how can race that (even tho rarely, since there isnt much of them) but still naturally occur in the world can "ruin immersion". :-/

Ok, you dont like them, you dont like to meet them, you would preffer if they wouldnt be here at all ...
That part i get.

But why talk about immersion, especialy since its so obvious that this is just an excuse? :-/
I think ladydub assumed that every playable races have to be represented equally. While it is obviously not the case, it would make more sense for Larian not to include exotic races : a new race is a big investment since you have to add tons of cosmetic and narrative options. It makes more sense to invest development time on something that can be reused as much as possible.