Originally Posted by snowram
I think ladydub assumed that every playable races have to be represented equally.
I honestly dont even know how am i supposed to understand this sentence.

Originally Posted by snowram
it would make more sense for Larian not to include exotic races : a new race is a big investment since you have to add tons of cosmetic and narrative options.
Cant say i agree ...
I mean, yes it is a big investment ... but as Larian presents it, the game overall was much biger investment than they presumed originally ... in their last promotion material, they clearly stated that city itself was 3-4 times biger investment than originaly expected.

So as it seems, Larian is not affraid of big investments, if they are worth it.

And concidering how many players is beging around here/discord/twitter/reddit for exotic races ... this certainly feel like one of those wich players will appreciate. laugh

Originally Posted by snowram
It makes more sense to invest development time on something that can be reused as much as possible.
Like what?

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown