Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
In that case, you could aswell just lock it here ... since no futher debate is possible.

That is not my point. We are free to continue speculating on what Larian will introduce and to say what we would like to see and why. I just want us to be careful about continuing to directly challenge others rather than talk about our own views unless it's clear they're up for it and we do it in a constructive way, and to avoid arguing round and round on the same points that have no means of resolution or restating our own positions over again when we've already made our points. I hope, if we stop and think about it, most of us should be able to work out where fun speculation and discussion ends and pointless argument and needling starts, and keep ourselves the right side of the line when I've signalled we might be at risk of crossing it.

And as always, I am open to challenge on points of moderation but please do it privately by PM not in thread.

Politely asking for clarification in thread about what I am ruling in and out is actually fine, but if you're unsure about whether what you want to say is a polite request or could be considered a challenge then again private is best. I am always willing to add a clarification or correction publicly if it's privately established I might have been unclear.

PS And just because English is ambiguous on this point, it's argument in the sense of an overly confrontational exchange of diverging or opposite views that I'd prefer us to be careful not to take too far, not argument in the sense of considering or putting forward the reasons why we think or don't think one thing or another. And I know "overly confrontational" can be subjective, which is why I am suggesting actively looking for cues that the other person is still up for debate when we start venturing into that potentially grey area. I hope this is fairly commonsense, but if anyone would appreciate further guidance or has any issues then again, please do feel free to PM me.

Last edited by The Red Queen; 21/06/23 10:42 AM. Reason: Addendum added

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"