Originally Posted by The Red Queen
for Tolkein "goblin", which he used more frequently in The Hobbit, was just a translation of "orc".
I find out just now. laugh
Sice i never read in original, i thought he just allways used the word Orc. smile

(Its transalted to "skřeti" in my language ... in all books, movies, games, etc.)

Originally Posted by The Red Queen
Whereas I think FR goblins and orcs are quite distinct, and though there are other goblinoids in the Realms, orcs don't count amongst them?
As far as i know, yes ...
Orcs in Forgotten Realms are more simmilar to Warcraft Orcs (but i dunno wich inspired wich ... nor i think it matters), basicaly in both settings they are just Aliens from completely different planet, that come to main setting via portals long time ago (much longer in DnD tho). smile
Wich BTW apply on Goblins (resp. Goblinoids) aswell ... they just come from different words, in different times.

As for why Orcs dont count as Goblinoid ...
According to this reddit debate it seems like all variety of Goblinoids come from same ancestor ... aswell as all variety of Orcs do ... but their ancient ancestors (ergo their races basicaly) were both made by different gods. smile

But to make things even more complicated, they are geneticaly compatible and capable of crossbreed reproduction. laugh

But i digressed. smile


Originally Posted by Leucrotta
yet they are used in a manner opposite of sparingly.
Uhm ... what do you mean?

Originally Posted by Leucrotta
considering they have only been on the plane for a little more than 100 years.
Can you share some source?
I have tryed googling, but didnt find anything.

Originally Posted by Leucrotta
So yeah, I'd say they do stick out like a sore thumb.
I dunno ...
Among humans? Certainly ...

But concidering that we have here:
big humans, small humans, big elves, small elves, aliens from different world, smaller aliens from different world, yet even completely different aliens from different world that may come even from different time ...
crossbreeds between humans and elves, crossbreeds between humans and those aliens, crossbreeds between humans and angels, crossbreeds between humans and demons, crossbreeds between humans and ELEMENTALS?!? ...
bipedal cats, bipedal lizards, bipedal lions, bipedal bulls, bipedal owls, bipedal birds, another but completely different bipedal birds, bipedal turtles, bipedal elephans, ...
And thing that have lower part of their body like horse, spider, or front part of goat ...

And im quite sure i have left many others. laugh

I mean ... Faerun is certainly diverse ...
And if you feel like Dragon-Human is the weirdest thing you can meet here ... i mean no offense, but i feel like you didnt seen much so far. wink

Originally Posted by Leucrotta
And again, there's also the context of how they were inserted into the setting via just mashing them into there via the widely disliked Spellplague.
Funny you mentioned this ...
As i read about Orcs (mentioned abowe) ... would you concidered their integration to be anyhow better?

I mean ... something happened, portals opened, and *poof* here they are. laugh
I dont see much difference from Dragonborn to be honest. smile

Originally Posted by Leucrotta
So y'know, people are going to look at the design cribbed from the draconians, the 'we designed this race to be paladins'-level worldbuilding and that will color their opinions.
I mean ... its fine to dislike some race in fantasy setting ... no matter your reason (or even absence of any as the matter of fact) ...
If i ever give you the feeling that i suggest that everyone should love everything, then i asure you:
I never tryed to say anthing like that. smile

Im just trying to understand the reason behind not wanting them in game ... and honestly "i just dont like them" is perfectly valid one to me. smile

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 22/06/23 12:51 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown