Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Took me long enough ... so i dont really know if anyone still cares about the movie. :-/
But i finaly seen it!

And i must say, im not disapointed ... but honestly after all that praise everyone was singing, i somehow expected ... i dunno, just more. laugh

Its still solid 8/10 for me ...
But i dunno, i feel like it could be so much better. :-/
Maybe in few years, as all cut scenes leak out, or will be released as some Premium users bonus content. laugh

I hear you, it's not a perfect film - like it's not Citizen Cane or The Godfather or Lord of the Rings.

It helps if you judge it in context of previous D&D films which have all been hot garbage, and a lot of RPG fantasy movie adaptations have been pretty terrible...ever watch the World of Warcraft movie? - it's shit...easily the worst of the worst.

I wasn't expecting Casablanca, and was hoping for halfway decent and thus I was happy that it exceeded my expectations.
