Originally Posted by Blackheifer
It helps if you judge it in context of previous D&D films which have all been hot garbage, and a lot of RPG fantasy movie adaptations have been pretty terrible...
Yeah ...
Even tho i still think that for their time, they were quite good ... not superb, just not terible either. smile

Anlso ... old DnD movie got us priceless pearls ... like this scene:

Originally Posted by Blackheifer
ever watch the World of Warcraft movie? - it's shit...easily the worst of the worst.
I did ...
And i have mixed feelings about it.

I think person who have little to none knowledge about Warcraft universe could really enjoy it ... from visual sides, there was not really much to complain about ... sure, some weapons and armors were ridiculous, but they were exactly as ridiculous as they allways was in Warcraft. laugh
+ There was really lots of easter eggs for casual players.

But then there are people who DO know lore ... and we suffered every second of that story. frown

I think Warcraft movie had potential ...
Could be like ten times better, if they wouldnt pick "Michael Bay approach" (meaning explosions, action, another explosions, lots of cuts, explosions, fast scenes, explosions, chaotic camera movement, explosions, cgi, explosions ... did i mention explosions?). frown
And if they would decide to make it 2 part movie and SLOOOOOOW down. frown

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown