Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Blackheifer
ever watch the World of Warcraft movie? - it's shit...easily the worst of the worst.

But then there are people who DO know lore ... and we suffered every second of that story. frown

I think Warcraft movie had potential ...
Could be like ten times better, if they wouldnt pick "Michael Bay approach" (meaning explosions, action, another explosions, lots of cuts, explosions, fast scenes, explosions, chaotic camera movement, explosions, cgi, explosions ... did i mention explosions?). frown
And if they would decide to make it 2 part movie and SLOOOOOOW down. frown

It was bad on a technical level, on a narrative level, and on a performance level. Bad directing, bad script, and bad acting.

They had so many great stories to work with here. Imagine taking the point of view as a new undead, and showing the existential horror and emptiness of that existence from a first person perspective. It could have been a series with multiple POV stories that start to intertwine.

Anyway, just saying in the context of these sorts of things Honor Among Thieves was pretty solid.
