Originally Posted by Interitus
You can try editing my quotes to see if that works, I don't mind.

Most peculiar. All I did was press Edit then Save changes (I didn't actually change anything) and the quotes look fine. If you want to PM me with details of the browser you're using then I can look into whether there might be any known compatibility issues.

With respect to the investigation, yes I still want to go to the hospital. I feel like we need to know more about this murder before we hare off after other killings or mystery meat, or indeed follow up the background of the rude guard. Or chase down the thief though for that I think we need to open the letter and, as far as I can tell, we can't and maybe need to wait to be told what it says tomorrow? The fact that the urchin who handed it to us seems to be connected to the "one you're investigating" and also had the coin pouch stolen by Magpie makes me wonder if the theft is connected to the murder after all, but I think we need to read the letter before following that up further.

Does anyone have any theories about the strange magic we sensed when talking to the urchin? A disguise spell? Were they trying to detect our thoughts or charm us in some way (didn't feel like the latter from the dialogue)?

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"