Originally Posted by Buba68
Originally Posted by ladydub
Half-orc and monk. And that’s perfectly fine. Duergar and Dragonborn would be also good.

I would love if they kept a “classic” selection of races and classes for FR, no cat people and extra dimensional people pls.

Even artificer feels out of place in Forgotten Realms.
I partly agree with you. I'd add Dragonborn into the undesirables, though, as these are not "classic" either.

This isn't the "classic" realms, its very much post Greybox with the Time of Troubles, Thayvan experiments, Spellplague chaos, Sundering chaos, Tuigan invasion, Shadovar War, Mulan-Imaskari, Maztica's return, Lantan's return, Spelljammer, Planescape, and a host of other events having shaken up the Forgotten Realms, making it much more epic high/wide fantasy setting.