Originally Posted by ladydub
I said earlier that I would not want any cat people in game bcos they're not Canon... well I had some time for research and actually found out that Tabaxi ARE from Forgotten Realms.. they live in Maztica, and apparently there is a tribe in Chult as well. And their lore goes way back to 1st edition... Absolutely did not know that, I was sure Tabaxi are some homebrew race.

Quoting myself for more clarification. Did some more digging. Maztica and Chult "Tabaxi" are Humans. Human tribes wearing cat skins, worshipping some Jaguar god. A lot of lore about them with civil war in Mezro, involving Ubtao etc.The Tabaxi bipedal cats - are indeed not in Forgotten Realms.

Originally Posted by Omegaphallic
This isn't the "classic" realms, its very much post Greybox with the Time of Troubles, Thayvan experiments, Spellplague chaos, Sundering chaos, Tuigan invasion, Shadovar War, Mulan-Imaskari, Maztica's return, Lantan's return, Spelljammer, Planescape, and a host of other events having shaken up the Forgotten Realms, making it much more epic high/wide fantasy setting.

Why not? Everything Canon I consider "classic". Whatever you described is very much Canon lore. Spelljammer crashing into my party would be OK for me and will not break my immersion - but if I meet Khajii.. erm Tabaxi in Baldur's Gate - yeah, it will be out of place. "May your road lead you to warm sands." smile