Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
But no matter.
Im going to wrap this conversation in my head as "i just dont like them and sont want to talk about it". wink
Well, from what I'm seeing, I'm not feeling like you are really interested in representing my position faithfully at this point, so it's probably for the best we leave it at that. *shrug*

Going to try a different format to save space in the reply below
Originally Posted by Omegaphallic1
1. Dragonborn don't stick out in Dragonborn cities, or even more cosmopilitian cities.
-Well, of course if you surround something unusual with nothing by itself it isn't that unusual in that context. But in regards to the greater Realms, yeah, they stick out just about anywhere. Even in the most cosmopolitan surface cities you din't exactly see many half-dragons stomping around.
2. An abolutely massive amount of Dragonborn ended up in Faerun from a world were Dragonborn are common, both from Tymanther and refugees & merchants from the Abeir continient.
-which is a drastic change to the setting which I don't like. Anyways, Tymanther is mostly gone again, and was on the other side of the world to begin with. There is no logical explanation to them being as common as elves and dwarves that have been here for millenea.
3. In FR their lore was designed by Ed Greenwood and Erin M. Evans and is extremely deep and detailed, expertly woven into the setting. Erin M. Evans is also responsibly for weaving the pre and post 4e Tiefling loe together for FR.
-I see their culture written to push them as the exemplars of 4e's paladins, and their design and history they got echoes the Draconians, WoTC really hasn't done anything done with them to integrate them into the realms postspellplague. They are at war with Unther I guess? Still nothing like the politics, religion, grudges, wars, etc that tie other major species to the realms. Anyways, same Ed Greenwood has said Dragonborn remain extremely rare and also that Tymanther from his realms didn't have any dragonborn in it.
4. The Spellplague was a mess and a bad idea, but they managed to make some lemon aid out of that lemon.
-I disagree. I am hard pressed to put my finger on any aspect of the setting that was actually improved. The 'lemonade' still has a lot of parts of the setting missing/changed into something I don't like even if that was the case.
5. They fit perfectly into the current realms.
-this is a matter of opinion I guess. But I think they work better for Points of Light and Eberron.
6. No, they had no culture of their own back in 3e, 5e changed that.
-No 'dragonborn' culture because they were made from transforming other creatures, and had their own culture before and after. But they were designed with the idea of keeping bipedal dragonmen something special and unique.5e's version is trying to fill much bigger shoes, but really never went to put in the work in that department