Originally Posted by Lunar Dante
Thank you for the picture.
I must admit that this view is really closer to the BG1 map : BG1 Full map
We had in the same area Umberlee Temple, the Harbour Master and the Low Lantern, and the tattered sail is a strong clue indeed !
So maybe the map is a mix a BG1 mp and the official new map... and city geography might change a lot and is not a solid ground for my first deduction (for example the Blushing Mermaid was in the upper city in BG1 and in the Lower City in thje modern map !)
Actually I feel a little lost, and now I think (and hope) you are right about the Low Lantern ! (concerning the point of view of Astarion and the group from the boat it is just before this image, around 1'47)

Certainly the changes from BG1 explain a lot of my problem getting my bearings with Blood in Baldur's Gate, as BG1 is what I'm familiar with. But the map with the key you shared has helped me no end so thank you!

Perhaps the Low Lantern had been moved down the harbour, but has been moved back to its historic location after decommissioning? It's now clear to me that, as you point out, Larian have a bit of work to do to reconcile the Gate of the first game with the modern 5e city. I think they'd be better off aiming for consistency with the new map, since they have 100 years of history to excuse differences from the previous game, but I'd totally understand if they wanted to pay homage to BG1 by taking some artistic liberties with the new version of the city too.

I guess we'll get more info if the trail of the killer leads us to the Low Lantern at some point smile. (EDIT: Or possibly not as this is set 15 years before so presumably the Low Lantern is still slowly taking on water back in the same place as it was a few years later for Descent for Avernus. D'uh, I forgot about that!)

Oh, and thank you for the pointer to the other shot I was thinking of. Don't know how I missed that one!

Last edited by The Red Queen; 23/06/23 04:49 PM.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"