Originally Posted by Saito Hikari
I am going to go into extremely optimistic territory.

Surprise patch 10 with Monk and all of the character creation options we're going to see in the full game, with a completely finalized act 1, and progress carrying over to the full game when that launches.

By the time that the PFH happens, it'll be about less than a month and a half from full launch. I would hope a fully finalized act 1 and all the classes and character creation options are ready by then. Larian will also really want to convince people to buy into the EA now by releasing the full act 1 with progress that carries over to the rest of the game, rather than losing a big chunk of the crowd waiting for the full launch to the Starfield hype.

I'm not going to rain on that kind of optimism even if I find it hard to share it smile.

I guess what that possible patch 10 sounds like is an early release of the planned 72h early access (which was advertised as being the full, final act 1 with saves carrying over) so from a technical point of view it sounds feasible. And getting players hooked well in advance might indeed help with competition with other games like Starfield that would otherwise be releasing around the same time.

Though start of July sounds a bit too soon for that, as it feels as though it's enough time to start, get through act 1 and then look around for something else to play instead while waiting for the full release (for most people, of course I'd probably just play and replay with different characters). But I'm now going to carry a secret hope that we might get a bit more than the promised 72h early look at the full act 1. That would be so good!

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"