There were multiple cloaked figures in latest trailer... possibly hiding new race.

That said, if they introduced regular, ordinary race, that would be really boring, really quick. I want something that jumps in my Baldur's city, I want something that will be fun and unusual. I understand lore perspective, but unusual race in ordinary environment is part of interesting story and interesting storytelling. Probability doesn't really matter because no good story is made by using probability and making story probable.

Also, Larian said 72h of early access... they can't change that. I never seen someone change that in digital age, most often since that is tied to promotion, actual money both on digital and on physical front, sometimes publishers, consoles releases (it's really a thing of juggling dates and hours)
They released DOS2 enhanced edition couple hours earlier and encountered problems, but they seemed untroubled by that. So, maybe they change they minds, but I think they won't for 1.0.