Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by The Red Queen
Whereas I think FR goblins and orcs are quite distinct, and though there are other goblinoids in the Realms, orcs don't count amongst them?
As far as i know, yes ...
Orcs in Forgotten Realms are more simmilar to Warcraft Orcs (but i dunno wich inspired wich ... nor i think it matters), basicaly in both settings they are just Aliens from completely different planet, that come to main setting via portals long time ago (much longer in DnD tho). smile

While this video is focused on the Pathfinder setting the first 13 minutes covers Orcs from Pre-Tolkein, Tolkein's orcs and how they came into DnD. I really enjoyed it.

I really, really dislike the Warcraft-ization of Orcs. I liked it better when orcs were more like BG3 Gnolls - evil, brutal, savage monsters that blocked the path of the heroes. Warcraft orcs are really just a collections of stereotype of "savage" peoples. Ironically 6e DnD is trying to get away from racist tropes but it taking an approach that will simply bring orcs more in line with colonial sterotypes of indigenous peoples - which is what happened in the Pathfinder setting.

Just say no to warfcraft Orcs - I don't care if orcs have pig faces or angry gorilla faces but make them evil and as unlike any human population as possible.