Originally Posted by Leucrotta
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Leucrotta
yet they are used in a manner opposite of sparingly.
Uhm ... what do you mean?
They weren't used sparingly.

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Leucrotta
considering they have only been on the plane for a little more than 100 years.
Can you share some source?
I have tryed googling, but didnt find anything.
Try the Forgotten Realms wiki. The current year of BG III is 1492. Spellplague was 1385.

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Leucrotta
So yeah, I'd say they do stick out like a sore thumb.
I dunno ...
Among humans? Certainly ...

But concidering that we have here:
big humans, small humans, big elves, small elves, aliens from different world, smaller aliens from different world, yet even completely different aliens from different world that may come even from different time ...
crossbreeds between humans and elves, crossbreeds between humans and those aliens, crossbreeds between humans and angels, crossbreeds between humans and demons, crossbreeds between humans and ELEMENTALS?!? ...
bipedal cats, bipedal lizards, bipedal lions, bipedal bulls, bipedal owls, bipedal birds, another but completely different bipedal birds, bipedal turtles, bipedal elephans, ...
And thing that have lower part of their body like horse, spider, or front part of goat ...

And im quite sure i have left many others. laugh

I mean ... Faerun is certainly diverse ...
And if you feel like Dragon-Human is the weirdest thing you can meet here ... i mean no offense, but i feel like you didnt seen much so far. wink
If you read my posts, you'll see that I don't particularly think too highly of the wide proliferation of the various animal races either. Most of those have been some combination of very rare and/or unplayable monsters. Yes. Githyanki and Minotaurs do stick out in a crowd too.

Also I noticed you are including mtg races, which aren't even part of Forgotten Realms or its wider multiverse, soooo.....I feel like this list here isn't entirely well put together here.

Originally Posted by Leucrotta
And again, there's also the context of how they were inserted into the setting via just mashing them into there via the widely disliked Spellplague.
Funny you mentioned this ...
As i read about Orcs (mentioned abowe) ... would you concidered their integration to be anyhow better?

I mean ... something happened, portals opened, and *poof* here they are. laugh
I dont see much difference from Dragonborn to be honest. smile

Uh yes, absolutely. For one, orcs were in the settign from the beginning, so their introduction wasn't tied to a catostrophic event that completely rewrote the setting. They also had a lot more writing and worldbuilding put into them compared to the reptiles.

Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Leucrotta
So y'know, people are going to look at the design cribbed from the draconians, the 'we designed this race to be paladins'-level worldbuilding and that will color their opinions.
I mean ... its fine to dislike some race in fantasy setting ... no matter your reason (or even absence of any as the matter of fact) ...
If i ever give you the feeling that i suggest that everyone should love everything, then i asure you:
I never tryed to say anthing like that. smile

I'm just trying to understand the reason behind not wanting them in game ... and honestly "i just dont like them" is perfectly valid one to me. smile
I honestly have no idea what you are trying to imply here.

But to put it nice and short, I don't like them because:

1) They stick out like a sore thumb just about anywhere in the realms.
2) They are overused instead of being used sparingly.
3) Their worldbuilding/lore is poor. Again, discount draconians.
4) Their introduction was poor. The Spellplague etc.
5) They would be a better fit for another setting.
6) The 3e Dragonborn were more interesting.

This might be derailing the thread at this point though the way this exchange is expanding, so perhaps we might take it to PMs if you want to continue to discuss this?[/quote]

The only three MtG races covered in the hard cover that don't exist in D&D/FR multiverse are Leonin, Veldkyn, and Simic Hyrid. Leonin have one exception in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Leonin from Theros does show up. Loxodons from Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica actually have a Forgotten Realms equivilant Loxo, so I count them as D&D race as well.

Also a easy to miss thing in the MtG D&D books is that the assumption is that these settings in those books are actually set in the D&D multiverse, not the Blind Eternities. Its weakest in Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica, although there, but Theros is straight up mentioned as a Material Plane world, with the Nyx and Underworld being seperate planes (in MtG they aren't seperate Planes), etc..., its even more blatant in Strixhaven: Cirrculum of Chaos which has Tieflings, Dragonborn, Genasi, Slaads, Halflings, Fleshy Gnomes (MtG gnomes are almost allows artifact creatures), etc...,

And Theros style Naiads appear in Candlekeep Mysteries in FR.

Also WotC put out a free adventure in FR where the main villian is descended from Ravnicans.

Last edited by Omegaphallic; 26/06/23 03:33 AM.