I'm hyped for duergar and half-orc reveal.
I am also hyped for monk, because so few games do monks well, and I think Larian can get it done.
What would make me REALLY happy though is if aasimar was confirmed as well. I think tieflings are hilariously overrepresented in D&D lately and it's just tiresome, I will take even "boring" shiny humans, just give me something that doesn't have horns and tails.
When it comes to the beast races I gotta say, I am thoroughly disappointed how much attention dragonborn receive and how little attention lirazdfolk get in comparison. Lizardfolk have been with us pretty much since the beginning, while dragonborn were just literally made up not even a decade ago. Lizardfolk have this rather detailed and rich background and it's WAAAAAY more interesting then anything that dragonborn could ever aspire to. They also have this very weird, savage and yet cold mindset making them a real contrast to your standard humanoid. Dragonborn are basically just scaly humans with weird heads. They are also rather cringe-inducingly forced into the setting.

I am personally offended by the fact that Lizardfolk are not playable but the cringe dragonborn are.
Sorry I just really had to put this out here.