Originally Posted by Leucrotta
Originally Posted by Warlocke
Originally Posted by Ixal
Considering that WotC recently decided that Half-Orcs are not politically correct I am not sure if they will be added.

No they didn’t. There are no dedicated half-orcs because there are no dedicated half-races at all. Instead, there is a systematic approach where you can build a character that can have any heritage you want. If you want to be half orc half halfling, have at it.
Wasn't the 'systemic approach' just 'play an elf, but describe your character as a half elf'. That's not a system, that's dressing up the lack of support as a feature.

That's like saying 'well, you can't play an Azer, but you can play a shield dwarf and describe him as an Azer' and saying playable Azer are a supported feature of the game.

It's hypocritical of WoTC too, because they have no problem keeping Tieflings around (and this is with their DnD Next Tieflings being explicitly of human ancestry-non-human tieflings are almost erased by wotc), and the introduction of a new hybrid race, the Aardlings. But Tieflings were highly popular, so that's different, I guess.

I'm glad at least Larian is keeping the distinction for half orcs and half elves in the game. It's important for roleplaying purposes.

I agree that it’s not good. Very poorly implemented. I hope they fix it before full release.

But to say they got rid of half-orcs because they are politically incorrect is incorrect.

Also, you are wrong about tieflings and ardlings. They are never described in the play test rules as necessarily being a hybrid, mixed species person. In the setting, tiefling and ardling are just full racial options the same way elf and dwarf are.

Last edited by Warlocke; 28/06/23 02:58 PM.