Originally Posted by Warlocke
I agree that it’s not good. Very poorly implemented. I hope they fix it before full release.

But to say they got rid of half-orcs because they are politically incorrect is incorrect.

Also, you are wrong about tieflings and ardlings. They are never described in the play test rules as necessarily being a hybrid, mixed species person. In the setting, tiefling and ardling are just full racial options the same way elf and dwarf are.

And the way half elves and half orcs were?

Yes, they are mechanically a unique race option. That's part of the point I was making. They are, in the lore of D&D though, hybrids between the lower plane and elves, humans, orcs etc. Very similar to Half Orcs and Half Elves in being descended from two or more species. Point being that they got to retain their mechanical uniqueness while Half Elves and Half Orcs were stripped of it. Tiefling players don't get 'just play a human and describe your character as having horns and a tail'

Lets keep in mind that Dwelfs and dwarf-humans were a part of forgotten Realms lore for quite a long time, but as far as I remember, the way to play them was literally 'you play a dwarf, but you are taller'. Same as this 'new' option from WoTC.

@The Red Queen

I could have sworn I remember mr Vincke talking about how DnDNext was influencing development in one of the PFHs....

But yeah, we see a half-orc in one of the trailers, and IIRC in the datamines he's described as such, so half-orcs are undoubtedly in.

Isn't that thread like a year old? I'm a bit hesitant to poke dead threads.

Now to try and get this thread back on track, I'm curious what people expect from the introduction of half-orcs. I do think they'll be officially announced before the game launch, and the PFH sounds like the best place to do that (and dragonborn and monks), so what sort of features do you think would go hand in hand with that?

Last edited by Leucrotta; 28/06/23 03:48 PM.