Originally Posted by Leucrotta
@The Red Queen

I could have sworn I remember mr Vincke talking about how DnDNext was influencing development in one of the PFHs....

But yeah, we see a half-orc in one of the trailers, and IIRC in the datamines he's described as such, so half-orcs are undoubtedly in.

Isn't that thread like a year old? I'm a bit hesitant to poke dead threads.

Fair point, and as long as we're discussing One D&D in the context of its potential impact on what BG3 classes/races might be announced then it makes a lot of sense to keep the discussion here. If we venture deeper into a discussion of One D&D though, elsewhere would probably be better. Though I guess I could always split it out if we do start branching too badly!

Just as an aside, I'm generally pretty relaxed about necro-ing threads and think it's often useful to have the context of the previous discussion right there, as long as we are effectively starting a new conversation on the same topic and are clear about why we are resurrecting the thread and what we now want to discuss, and don't start picking an argument with something someone said ages ago or expect anyone to either remember or reread months' old posts. I also think it's best not to resurrect an old thread if something has changed that has made significant parts of the discussion obsolete (such as changes in more recent versions). But I do understand and appreciate your hesitancy, and agree starting a new thread can be the better choice. I'm happy for folk to use their best judgement, and we can always split or merge threads if necessary.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"