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Astarion - evil? - maybe self serving & slightly dodgy morally - id be more leaning on the chaotic or chaotic neutral for him (at this stage at least) rather than out right evil .... he didnt make himself a vampire spawn & 200 odd years as a puppet for Cazador will have tainted his views somewhat - but i think he's still redeemable ......potentially smile

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Originally Posted by Tarorn
but i think he's still redeemable ......potentially smile
I wonder how many relationships started with those words ...
Just to end up as yet another tragedy. :-/

Dont take that personaly, its just ... some food for thoughts. laugh

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by kanisatha
And in my case it's even worse for me because I cannot abide including Jaheira and Minsc in my party, not only because they're boring retreads but also because by rights they should be level 20 characters and I won't be able to suspend my disbelief of them being level 1 characters.

to be completely fair I think by the time we actually meet Jaheira and Minsc in game, if non-met companions still gain xp like they do in EA, they will probably already be at least level 5/6, just based on how much experience you can get in Act 1 without leaving this part of the Sword Coast. In terms of actual gameplay, it would be kinda lame if one of your companions had their entire kit leveled up before you even met them. They might as well just be NPCs at that point.

You never know though, maybe they will be a higher level and have their own experience (we already know the game tracks companions' experience separately, which causes them all to level up at different times), and maybe the game will just let us customise each level-up retroactively.

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Joined: Aug 2020
Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
No one is always good all the time or always bad all the time
Yup ...
And that makes them Neutral. wink

Sorry, I firmly disagree with this point. Even in D&D, only the absolute strictest reading of alignment would make that true. Neutrality implies not caring at all, or caring very little and putting morality beneath some other, probably more personal purpose or goal. You can be a good person and falter in your morality. You can be an evil person and still do something nice. Just look at paladins. They can falter and break their oaths, but that doesn't make them neutral. It makes them flawed and mortal. A basically good person who's stuck in a bad plae in life and ends up having to murder someone doesn't automatically become neutral. They're a good person who's done a bad thing, a terrible thing even. What makes them neutral is that they accept what they did as necessary and decide that they shouldn't agonize over it or over doing it again if they have to. They don't want to kill, but they'll continue to do it for the sake of their own survival and will stop when that's no longer an immediate factor. A good-aligned person in that situation would be wracked with guilt over what happened and would even go out of their way to avoid being in that position again. Or a slightly different example. A morally good person who has a bad temper. Say they get into a drunken brawl and kill someone. They don't become evil or even neutral for that moral failing so long as they feel remorse enough to try and change their ways. If you think that a good person who falters is actually a neutral person (and that is the implication of your claim whatever you explicitly say, if you don't mean that then you should be clearer, a pithy phrase like that is easily misunderstood) then how can you possibly get a corruption arc like you've advocated for?

And regarding Astarion, I think he takes too much pleasure in sadism and petty cruelty for him to not be evil, but I do think that given his circumstances, it's not outrageous that he could be coaxed out of it. He's been the victim of two centuries of trauma, that'll warp anyone, but trauma can be worked through with time and care. I think any redemption from Astarion would require not just romantic love either. Romance or not, what Astarion needs is someone to support him and have his back, yes, but also someone to limit his excesses and lashing out. More than a lover, Astarion needs a friend and role model. And even then, it may well come out to naught.

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I'm getting confused given the two separate chats going on about alignment here and in

They are strictly speaking separate topics: one about alignment coverage in the game here, and the other thread specifically considering how we'd classify known companion alignments. As a result, I'm not going to try to split/merge them, but could folk just give a bit of thought about which thread their alignment chat most fits in, and if there's anything you want me to move from this thread to the other one then just PM me.

There are some posts here already I'd think would fit better in the other thread, but I'll leave the decision up to the post authors. At least unless it gets yet more confusing!

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"
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Location: Belfast
Originally Posted by lilaque
In terms of actual gameplay, it would be kinda lame if one of your companions had their entire kit leveled up before you even met them.
The usually way to do it, so to give player an ability to level them up from lvl1 up yourself.

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Joined: Oct 2020
Location: Liberec
@Gray Ghost ...
Well, its a LONG one ... i think i may got a little carried away. :-/

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
Even in D&D, only the absolute strictest reading of alignment would make that true.
Alignment is strict ... that may be one of reasons why WotC is distancing from it lately. smile

There is very important difference between being good person, and having good alignment ...
> Good person is trying to be good ... no matter how hard ... once they do something evil, they still can be good person, there is no corelation.
> Good alignment person is good ... meaning they dont have any other option ... once they do something Evil, they are no longer Good alignment ... or rather, it comes out that they never was, but that depends on interpretation.

This apply mostly on creatures that are not PC ...
Devils/angels, chromatic/metalic dragons, monsters ... etc.

Niara was talking about this in the past if i remember corectly, and according to my memory (aka, if i say something wrong here, its my fault) ... for example Good being like Angel, stops being Angel if they "somehow" manage to do something Evil ...
Like Zariel ... she was an Angel, she was corupted, she become Demon (or Devil, i dont remember wich of them is lawfull).
Bcs its impossible for Good Alignment creature to do Evil deeds and remain Good. smile

For PC, this is a little trickier.
In my interpretation, depends on how strickt you wish to be ... if you wish to be strictly good, you pick Good Alignment ... if you wish to be good, but also being ABLE to do evil, you pick Neutral.
Yes, im aware that even PC was picking alignment in previous editions.
Problem with PC is that we do have free will ... and there is no force on hell, heaven, or anywhere in between, including DM that could force us to act acordingly ... thats why Neutral was invented, bcs world is not black and white, and its much easier for Player to have both options. wink
And since even that didnt work, whole alignment concept was dumped lately. laugh

Obviously, since alignment is just a game concept, it dont work as things do in reality (and we could find many other examples where the same apply) ...
So again obviously its impossible to read this litteraly ...
Its not like when Angel lifts an apple from the ground, they sudently become demon bcs that apple belong to someone, so this is basicaly steling > aka evil deed. laugh

Are you familiar with concept of Karma?
All bad deeds you do stains yours, and there is no way to get rid of it ... otherwise it would loose any meaning ... you can only be pure, or not. wink

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
Neutrality implies not caring at all, or caring very little and putting morality beneath some other, probably more personal purpose or goal.
No, it dont ...
It actually have litteraly nothing to do with your caring.
It only states that you are able to do both, either, or neither. wink

Think about it as real world politic ...
You can be Left Wing, or Right Wing ... those are Good and Evil ... and yes, i purposefully dont state wich is wich. :P laugh
But then there are people who like some ideology of Right ... but not all of it ...
Then there are people who like some ideology of Left ... but not all of it ...
Then there are people who like some parts of both ... and trying to make it somehow work together ...
Then there are people who thinks that each should be use in different situation ... so they switch basicaly ...
And im quite sure that there are also people who thinks both is wrong, and whole system should be destroyed and build anew differently ...
All that, is Neutral. smile
All that, and much more.

Usualy you can hear that there is 256 different shades of Grey ... while in fact, its more like infinite. laugh
Absence of White, is Black > Evil (or Good, dont really matter in this example.)
Absence of Black, is White > Good (or Evil, dont really matter in this example.)
And everything in between, is Neutral.

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
You can be a good person and falter in your morality. You can be an evil person and still do something nice.
The problem here is, that moral questions are matter of perception.

You stole someone property ... nod a good deed, huh?
> Unless you give that money to poor family who is trying to cure their child.

You wipe out Kobold tribe, that was attacking helpless civilians ... very good deed, huh?
> Unless that vilage was build on that tribe home, and they were just defending their own.

You kill a person in cold heart, not having any regrets ... a evil deed, right?
> Unless its a Hitler. laugh

And so on, and so on ...
As i said, its a game construct ... it dont work well on complex matters, it was created back in days where Bad Guys were bad, and heroes were good ... nobody bothered back then to think about if this Raider gang leader was loving father, or if this benevolent king dont have too high taxes. laugh

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
Just look at paladins. They can falter and break their oaths, but that doesn't make them neutral. It makes them flawed and mortal.
Breaking an oath =/= betraying your alignment.

Take the example from game itself ... our "first oathbreaker" (that NPC we meet in our camp, when we break our oath) told us that his oath was to follow his master ... and when his master gave an order he was unable to follow (i believe it was about killing some willagers), he turned against him and slain him instead.
That is exactly the point here!
Our Oathbreaker NPC was in position, when he could either break his oath, or change his alignment ...
And we know wich he picked. smile

Also, as stated abowe ... there is problem with quibble.

If your Good Alignment oath is "to protect weak" ... who is weak?
Is 50 willagers with forks, shovels and flails weaker than 20 malnourished goblins with rusty knives and some slings?
And yet, no DM i know would call you Oathbreaker for wiping them out for those "poor civilians". laugh

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
A basically good person who's stuck in a bad plae in life and ends up having to murder someone doesn't automatically become neutral.
Indeed ...
But there is important part: "having to".

You see Alignment usualy (to my knowledge) only apply on your willing choices, you can be purest Paladin in the world, and your very Good deeds may still cause some inocent victims, even if indirectly.
But that dont affect you.

You can end up "having to end up somoene life" ... and it dont affect your alignment.
Only if there was different option(s) ... but you DECIDED to murder them anyway (and it dont really matter why you did it) ... THEN your alignment is affected.

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
Or a slightly different example. A morally good person who has a bad temper. Say they get into a drunken brawl and kill someone ...

If you think that a good person who falters is actually a neutral person (and that is the implication of your claim whatever you explicitly say, if you don't mean that then you should be clearer
I dont think i implied such thing ...
As i say, and i believe i say it much clearer now ... what matters is your choice.

- You go to brawl, someone trips, falls on a table, break his neck and is dead ... not your choice.
- You go to brawl, grab someone head and twist it to break his neck ... your choice.

The person is just as dead in both cases ... both cases fits your example of ill tempered person in tavern brawl ... but only one of them affects their alignment, the one where they CHOOSE. wink

Alignment is actually quite poetic when you think about it ...
All beings that are bond by its rules, have so strong will, so it can reshape essence of their own being. :3
Have you seen the TV show Lucifer, with Tom Ellis?
Simmilar stuff. wink

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
how can you possibly get a corruption arc like you've advocated for?
Quite easily i would dare to claim.

Shadowheart ...
Lets say we find out that she indeed was a Selunite before they wipe her memory ...
We offer help with her revenge (i imagine she would be rightfully angry) ... but then we point out that even tho she was not her whole life devoted to Shar, she was for last *insert time here* ... we can also point out that Selune never actually helped her during that time, feed her desperation ... we point out what kind of power she had during that time and help her ebrace her new self (no matter if in the name of Shar, or some completely different deity).
Evil Shadowheart. wink

Wyll ...
We will push him to make all those bad deeds among the way, he allready do (like torturing that guy, or massacring those goblins for personal feel of satisfaction) ...
During his personal quest we get several options to either point out that this isnt the way a hero should act (leading him to redemption) ... or we keep our mouths shut, and on the contrary encourage him to only hold a facade for public, while actually he can do anything he want, any time he want, anyhow he want.
Evil Wyll. wink

Gale ...
Gale hoards magical artefacts and knowledge, right not its in order to keep his condition from harming any inocents around (even tho potentialy prety far around) him ...
During his personal quests we find out that there may be a way to actually USE that nethereese orb in his chest, weaponize it if you wish ... and so we subtly guide Gale towards this goal ... keep all the artefacts, knowledge and power, and let the orb feed on other Mages instead.
There is even potential for grand finale, where Gale would reject Mistra for good, and decided to pleage his loayality to Shar, in her quest to replace Weave with Shadow Weave ... bcs nothing makes people more bitter and lustfull for revenge, than broken heart. :3
VEEERY Evil Gale. wink

See? smile
We would only guide them ... but they would need the ultimate choice themselves. smile

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
And regarding Astarion, I think he takes too much pleasure in sadism and petty cruelty for him to not be evil, but I do think that given his circumstances, it's not outrageous that he could be coaxed out of it. He's been the victim of two centuries of trauma, that'll warp anyone, but trauma can be worked through with time and care.
I dont really think this is relevant ...
Doesnt matter if he become Evil, was raised Evil, was born Evil, or just chose to be Evil despite all positive influence he had. Important part is that he IS right now. laugh

Originally Posted by Gray Ghost
I think any redemption from Astarion would require not just romantic love either. Romance or not, what Astarion needs is someone to support him and have his back, yes, but also someone to limit his excesses and lashing out. More than a lover, Astarion needs a friend and role model. And even then, it may well come out to naught.
I dunno, maybe im just bitter, but Astarion is in my eyes perfect example of "i can fix him" guy ...
People like him, bcs of his look, his voice, his charm and his "sad backstory" (completely forgotting that he MAY have lied, it wouldnt be his first time after all) ... and are completely willing to ignore all red flags, until (and sometimes even during and after) it bites them in the ass (or neck). smile

To me, this is almost a trigger. laugh
And maybe for my own bitterness, i just wish for Astarion to have seemingly redemption arc, where ... in the end ... he would reveal that this was all just an act on his part, just to get rid of Cazador and taste his blood ... and now, when he is free, and become actually more powerfull than any vampire LORD before him (bcs he had his tadpole that gives him additional powers) ... you are no longer usefull to him.
And that would be the situation when he would attack you.

I have no problem with redemption arcs in general ...
I just dont like this modern trend where "everyone can be saved" ... i like darker fantasy settings, where some people simply didnt want to be saved. smile
But that is matter of prefferences. laugh

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Joined: Oct 2021
Was excited to see all of that, great news!

Still hope that only a part of new spells were announced here, since many spells are missing, some of which might have even been showcased (as far as I remember, I saw Lightning Bolt in one of your videos).

I also hope that you implemented or will implement Metamagic feats from both PHB and non-PHB as well. We are still missing Empowered Spell (which could just add your Charisma modifier as a bonus to total damage roll of the spell if you have trouble with its original implementation) and Transmuted Spell would be very handy to deal with Sorcerer's lack of spells known for different situations.

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old hand
old hand
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Wyll is evil? Is there even a way for a warlock not to be considered evil then?

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It's a pity that there was no news about the gameplay changes. I hope it will be a surprise and Larian will make the push a regular action, not a bonus action.

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Originally Posted by Higobi
It's a pity that there was no news about the gameplay changes. I hope it will be a surprise and Larian will make the push a regular action, not a bonus action.

I'm picturing a big reveal of this in the PFH, where he very noticeably does no shoves at all through all the gameplay demo, maybe even with shove removed from the hotbar, and then at the very end of the PFH, just casually shoves someone off a cliff as a full action, with no comment, just knowing that everyone watching is losing their damn minds

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Joined: Aug 2021
Originally Posted by colinl8
Originally Posted by Higobi
It's a pity that there was no news about the gameplay changes. I hope it will be a surprise and Larian will make the push a regular action, not a bonus action.

I'm picturing a big reveal of this in the PFH, where he very noticeably does no shoves at all through all the gameplay demo, maybe even with shove removed from the hotbar, and then at the very end of the PFH, just casually shoves someone off a cliff as a full action, with no comment, just knowing that everyone watching is losing their damn minds

I'd like that 😄

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Unholy bologna!

Just minding my own business last Thursday and all of a sudden there's this massive info drop, and the release date is moved up a month, and look at the neat race and class pictures, and what's a spore druid, oh gosh I'm a spore druid now, and I wonder what all these changes mean in practice, and I've so many thoughts but do any of them matter anymore, and you know what let's not over-think it. This is cool, let's just enjoy.

Larian, please make accessibility a priority for upcoming patches.
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Joined: Dec 2022
When I joined in with this on GOG Early Access, I imagined we would eventually be able to participate in something a little larger, maybe a couple more acts to flesh it out a little ..

Wow, did I ever under estimate this.

So looking forward to August 3rd, I usually refrain from getting hyped about any games and take a bit of a pessimistic view so as not to be dissappointed. But having seen all the work that went into EA, I have no doubt that all future bugs will be squashed, and the game will be the biggest D&D based game on computer I have ever had the pleasure of playing. Neverwinter Nights is probably my most memorable game I wished was bigger, until now.

Thank you Larian for making this a reality.

Laptop Dell G15 5510 : Win 11 x64
CPU - 10th Gen' Core I7 10870H 2.2-5.0ghz, GPU - NVidia Geforce RTX 3060, VRAM 6gb GDDR5,
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Originally Posted by 4lt3rn1ty
So looking forward to August 3rd [...] But having seen all the work that went into EA [...] the game will be the biggest D&D based game on computer I have ever had the pleasure of playing. [...]
Thank you Larian for making this a reality.

If you're in EA, you'll get access to 1.0 act I on the 31st of July, so you can look forward to a bit sooner! And yeah, the absolute size of what this looks like it will be... I don't have the self control to steel myself against possible disappointment, if I get let down, it's going to be *hard*, but I have very high degree confidence that won't be the case.

I'm really looking forward to Friday's PFH when we get to see 1.0 in all its marketing-department-approved-for-pre-release-demo glory.

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Joined: Oct 2020
I am curious if they will let us download it early so we can play day one (with day one patch of course). That is let us download it but it won’t open until official window. I really won’t be able to dig into it till the weekend though frown

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That would be great, yeah.

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Originally Posted by colinl8
Originally Posted by 4lt3rn1ty
So looking forward to August 3rd [...] But having seen all the work that went into EA [...] the game will be the biggest D&D based game on computer I have ever had the pleasure of playing. [...]
Thank you Larian for making this a reality.

If you're in EA, you'll get access to 1.0 act I on the 31st of July, so you can look forward to a bit sooner! And yeah, the absolute size of what this looks like it will be... I don't have the self control to steel myself against possible disappointment, if I get let down, it's going to be *hard*, but I have very high degree confidence that won't be the case.

I'm really looking forward to Friday's PFH when we get to see 1.0 in all its marketing-department-approved-for-pre-release-demo glory.

Will we also get the full set of races and subclasses, plus Karlach and the mystery 7th origin character?

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Originally Posted by Eagle Pursuit
Will we also get the full set of races and subclasses, plus Karlach and the mystery 7th origin character?

Everything in Act I. The real, 100% everything, just limited to Act I until the 3rd of August

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the 3 day head start gets us a chance to find at least the major [game wont boot] bugs and is the smart thing Larian has done ... there will be bugs but its still nice to seee light at the end of this tunnel

Luke Skywalker: I don't, I don't believe it.
Yoda: That is why you failed.
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